Winter bites

As temperatures dropped last week the action increased at Lawdogs Australia as their new training arena opened for public shows of law enforcement dog training.
The Australian first ‘dog show with bite’ has now moved indoors with the purpose designed site now boasting synthetic surfaces, extra agility equipment and safety fenced seating areas.
The new look reception centre now also boasts a range of merchandise and dog themed gift lines.
Owner/manager Matt Hibberd said: “This represents a massive investment here on the Granite Belt and gives us a platform to market ourselves nationally as a professional tourist attraction. It also adds to the diversity of nature and experience-based tourism products here in a recognised food and wine region”.
“We are the only service dog training facility where the public can see law enforcement dogs undergoing training in an entertaining packaged format anywhere in Australia,” Mr Hibberd said.
“The new arena gives us the ability to operate in cold and wet weather whereas previously we were outside relying on sunshine,” he said.
No two days are the same at Lawdogs and there is a very special new recruit on show learning the ropes. “We are showcasing a full black coated adult German Shepherd who was saved from a puppy farm in New South Wales,” Mr Hibberd said.
“Visitors are helping with her socialisation by offering treats and pats through the fence and then we show a slightly different side to her personality as she learns how to bite and hold bad guys.”
The show action includes lots of protection dog training, however, the detection dogs seem to prove the most fascinating to visitors.
“Guests are always invited to hide material in the training area for the detection dogs to find and the new arena boasts plenty of different hiding places plus we’ve added a huge range of new decoy items to let kids try and fool the dogs,” he said.
Lawdogs Australia will be open for extra pubic shows over the long weekend from Saturday to Monday at 11am and 2pm at 335 Church Road, The Summit.