Planning underway for new cross-arms

Inspections are about to begin as part of the planning process for the replacement of cross-arms on the 110kV Warwick to Stanthorpe powerline.
Ergon Energy area operations manager Matt Gleeson said a staff member would inspect some areas near the powerline to determine if there were any weeds or protected vegetation and fauna.
“Then an Ergon Energy contractor will inspect the 400 poles on this line route, including taking photographs and measurements, to assist with the design work for the replacement of the cross-arms,” he said.
“The actual work to replace the cross-arms is scheduled to start in about mid-2013.”
Mr Gleeson said the ageing wooden cross-arms were due for replacement and a decision had been taken to erect more resilient fibre composite cross-arms in their place.
He said this work on the existing line was not related to the proposed second line route, about which the community was now being consulted.