Installation in Southern Downs

Minister for Broadband, Communications, and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, announced on Tuesday that planning has started to connect more communities to the National Broadband Network (NBN).
People living in communities in northern NSW, the Hunter and the southern part of Darling Downs in Queensland will have access to fast, affordable, and reliable broadband, with the first homes and businesses being switched on from mid to late 2013.
Through fixed wireless technology, homes and businesses in these areas will access wholesale speeds of up to 150 times faster than dial-up and eight times faster than ADSL.
About 17,000 homes and businesses in total will receive a fixed wireless service, with the rollout due to be fully completed in 2015.
For those living outside these areas, fast broadband will be available via satellite.
“For too long, people living in regional and rural Australia have had to put up with slow, unreliable internet connections – if they could get a connection at all. But, thanks to the Gillard Government’s investment in the National Broadband Network, all Australians, no matter where they live, will have access to fast, affordable and reliable broadband.
“Through the NBN, the government is also delivering uniform national wholesale pricing. This means people living in and around Tamworth, Oxley Vale and Piallamore will pay the same prices for NBN services as people in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong.
“This is a truly exciting time for families and businesses who want to get online in regional and rural Australia.
“Like water and electricity, the Gillard Government sees fast broadband as an essential utility that should be made available to all Australians,” Senator Conroy said.
The Gillard Government is prioritising regional and rural Australia for the rollout of the NBN.
The majority of NBN construction has taken place in regional and rural Australia, while NBN Co has brought forward the introduction of wireless and satellite services so that people in the bush can get access to better broadband as soon as possible.
NBN Co’s fixed-wireless and satellite services are being delivered to the parts of Australia that are outside the 93 per cent of homes and businesses that will receive fibre to the premises.
NBN Co plans to install fibre in towns of 1000 premises or more and to some towns with as few as 500 premises that are located on an NBN fibre transit link.

Local communities to receive NBN Co’s Fixed Wireless Service
*Indicates that these areas or parts of these areas are slated to receive fibre. Therefore, the areas surrounding these communities are scheduled to be served by NBN Co’s fixed wireless service. This is an indicative list only and is subject to final radio planning and approvals.

Southern Downs LGA

Tenterfield LGA
Mole River