Young man seriously injured

Late last Thursday night, the RACQ CareFlight rescue helicopter was tasked to Stanthorpe to airlift a Chinese national who had been involved in a single-vehicle accident.
RACQ CareFlight air crewman Ben Trollope said the 28-year-old male was seriously injured.
“The patient sustained two broken ribs and four fractured vertebrae,” he said.
“The car appears to have come off the road and into a power pole, then spun off that into a tree.
“The injured man managed to get himself out of the vehicle and complained about pain between his shoulder blades, which scans revealed to be four fractured vertebrae.
“He’s incredibly lucky he didn’t do serious damage to his spine by moving after the accident.
“CareFlight were able to land on-site shortly after the crash to treat the Chinese national.
“We airlifted him to the PA Hospital in Brisbane for further treatment for his spinal injury.
“He was in a stable condition at the time of airlifting,” CareFlight’s Ben Trollope said.