Mayor happy with budget progress

Budget discussions are well under-way, said Southern Downs Regional Mayor Peter Blundell, following recent budget deliberations by the council.
“The council will continue to look at increased efficiencies and the reduction of costs in every department to keep rate rises down,” Cr Blundell said.
“While I am urging everyone within the council team to carefully review spending, the need to provide the appropriate level of services expected by the community must also be considered,” he said.
“While the 10-year financial forecast adopted last year predicted a general rate rise of six per cent, we are on track to deliver a lower increase,” Cr Blundell said.
Councillors will continue their consideration of the budget at special meetings in July. Recommendations from the independent Southern Downs Ratings Consultation Group will also be taken into account when considering levels of rates.
The council is expected to reach agreement and adopt the budget in July. Until the budget is adopted, the final rating figure is not confirmed.