Street numbering can save your life

“Lives may be at risk!” is the stern warning issued by the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) over the lack of adequate street numbering, especially in the town of Allora.
The lack of proper numbering has the potential to cost someone their life.
QAS has advised the Southern Downs Regional Council that many properties in Allora have no uniform numbering system and, while some houses have numbering, they were not in a standard format and very few were reflective.
This can make it extremely difficult to locate the correct property, not only for the ambulance service, but also other emergency services vehicles.
While most ambulance vehicles are equipped with GPS systems, it is still vital to verify the correct address, certainly when there is a need to knock on someone’s door in the middle of the night.
The Southern Downs Regional Council encourages all residents to ensure that their properties have adequate, reflective numbering.
For more information, contact the council’s engineering services department on (07) 4661 0300.