Great expectations for Queensland councils

Local Government Minister David Crisafulli is urging councils to find new ways to fund community infrastructure and services in the face of Queensland’s crippling debt. Speaking at the Local Government Association of Queensland’s Civic Leaders Forum on the Sunshine Coast, Mr Crisafulli said councils must reinvent themselves if they are to survive.
“The state is facing some serious financial challenges in the years to come,” Mr Crisafulli said.
“Councils must build new partnerships with the private sector to deliver significant community infrastructure and tap into additional revenue sources,” he said. “The one thing that nearly all councils have in abundance is land. Whether it’s regional councils with land to lease for agriculture or a coastal council that wants to turn a car park into a mixed-use site, the ability to achieve does not solely depend on government funding.
“This doesn’t mean the State Government won’t help out where it can, but a failure to think outside the square will see the crippling rate increases of the past few years become business as usual. Communities simply cannot afford to go down this path.”
Mr Crisafulli said local government holds the key to the State’s future success and vowed to work with councils to ensure all Queenslanders share in a new era of prosperity.
“We need to energise this State from the grass-roots up. Local councils know what’s best for their communities, they just need the freedom from unnecessary state regulations to achieve it,” he said.
“We might not have bucket loads of money but we can make councils more efficient by freeing them from unnecessary regulation.”
The Newman Government has moved quickly to release the shackles on local government by axing the controversial waste levy and streamlining planning and approval processes. Mr Crisafulli will make sweeping changes to the Local Government Act later this year after meeting all 73 Queensland councils. He has already met with 47.