Proud Stanthorpe State School parent of students Hannah and Thomas, Wayne Evans (also of Wayne Evans Upholstery), observing a real need for weather protection in this particular eating area, kindly donated his expert knowledge, upholstery skills as well as resources to make the large and heavy duty clear plastic curtaining.
These curtains screen a huge area beneath block C from inclement and windy weather and are a barrier to the cold conditions we are all too familiar with here in the Granite Belt!
With the especially frosty and sometimes drizzly Stanthorpe winter weather we’ve been accommodating of late, these curtains have already well and truly proven their worth, with our little ones sitting in cosy comfort to eat their morning tea and lunch each day.
And when the weather warms up, then up come the curtains, which neatly roll into place and fit against the beams, allowing the breezes to flow through.
These beautiful outdoor curtains represent a monetary value of at least $4000 of which the P&C has kindly donated $500 towards materials.
This terrific investment in the comfort of their students is greatly appreciated and will be enjoyed by students year in, year out, for many years to come.