Help available to prepare your Will

Red Cross is asking people to consider them in their Will so they can continue to assist people in natural disasters.
It’s not a topic that most of us like to spend much time thinking about, but local solicitor Lisa Hooper of Gudkovs Power Settgast says everyone needs to be prepared, with a well drafted Will.
“When loved ones are left to look after your affairs, an up-to-date Will is a vital document.
“If you need assistance with preparing a Wil,l I encourage you to take advantage of the professional assistance that will be offered at the Red Cross Community Wills Day in Warwick in September,” Ms Hooper said.
Ian Williamson, national bequest manager for Red Cross says, “More than 20 per cent of our fundraising comes from the generous gifts that people leave in their Wills and these are absolutely vital for the emergency and international work of Red Cross.
“Over the past few years, with the numerous floods, cyclones and bushfires that have ravaged our country, many people have turned to Red Cross for support in times of desperate need,” Mr Williamson said.
“Over the past year, Red Cross helped more than 27, 000 people affected by disasters in more than 68 evacuation and relief centres across Australia.
“In years to come, many people will again turn to Red Cross for help in times of crisis and we are determined to be there when they do.
“That’s why we are asking people to support us with a gift in their Will.
“Just one per cent, two per cent or five per cent of your estate can make a huge difference to our work with vulnerable people.”
Red Cross has teamed up with local solicitors Gudkovs Power Settgast and Maxwell Solicitors to help people prepare or update simple Wills for only $75 per person.
“This is a great opportunity to update or make a new Will.
“We appreciate the decision to leave a gift to Red Cross in your Will is a big one, but we hope people will consider it,” Mr Williamson said.
The community Wills event will be held on Thursday, September 6, from 10am to 2pm, at the Senior Citizens Hall in Drayton Street, Warwick. For appointments and more information, phone Nola on (07) 3367 4772 or email