It was a lot of hard work by a few but the inaugural art@st.mark’s held recently in St Mark’s Parish Hall was an enjoyable and successful event.
Visitors and participating artists were very complimentary about the standard of the presentation of the 116 artworks.
The art@st.mark’s committee are most grateful to Scots PGC for the loan of the display stands, which allowed such a professional display.
A quarter of the submitted art was sold during the weekend and the commissions paid to St Mark’s by the artists will assist in the ongoing maintenance of the church.
About 150 people came through the doors during the two days that the art show was open.
Many took the opportunity to relax to the background sounds of jazz as they enjoyed home baked refreshments in the St Mark’s Women’s Guild’s café on site.
About 70 patrons enjoyed the viewing and opportunity to meet many of the artists during the Saturday twilight official launch party.
The Rector’s favourite wine was coupled with plenty of tasty finger food supplied by the Friends of St Mark’s.
Musical entertainment was provided by David Bruggemann on sax, Janine Stewart on flute and Sue York who sang and played guitar.
The St Mark’s 8am congregation enjoyed their post service morning tea amongst the art on Sunday morning.
They were then able to enjoy the wonderful sound of The East Street Singers following the reopening of the art show to the public.
The art@st.mark’s committee wish to thank all of the talented musicians for the generous donation of their time, which enhanced the events.
Plans are already under-way for art@st.mark’s 2013 which, benefitting from the experience of this inaugural initiative for Jumpers and Jazz 2012, promises to be an even greater success.