Pirates come to Stanthorpe

Will the rough, tough pirates triumph over the doughty Cornish police and carry off Major General Stanley’s many beautiful daughters?
To find out, you will have to come to the Granite Belt Choir’s concert performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘Pirates of Penzance’ this Saturday at 2.30pm in the Swigmore Hall at Robert Channon Wines in Stanthorpe.
In keeping with the buccaneering spirit of the day, the buffet lunch in the Singing Lake Café will feature a number of pirate favourites including Blackbeard’s Belly of Pork, Long John Silver’s Seafood Mornay, Crumbled Cannon Ball Apples and Pieces of Eight. The buffet lunch is $25 and bookings are essential.
Tickets to the concert are $20 including a glass of wine in the interval and can be booked or bought at the door.
For further details, contact Robert Channon Wines on (07) 4683 3260.