Landowners urged to carefully plan hazard reduction burns

Out of control hazard reduction burns have resulted in 20 fires over the last week in the Northern Tablelands area, leaving NSW Rural Fire Service volunteer firefighters to extinguish the fast moving fires.
NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Northern Tablelands is advising landholders and managers to ensure they are well prepared before burning off on their property.
“Following a lot of heavy rain in the area, we are faced with high fuel loads that present a very real fire risk when hazard reduction burns are not conducted safely.
“The service encourages landholders to be proactive in reducing fuel loads on their property, but more importantly, we want people to conduct hazard reduction burns safely and legally,” said Supt Chris Wallbridge.
“For hazard reduction burning to be safe and effective, residents need to take weather conditions and forecasts into consideration,” he said.
“I urge everyone planning on doing any hazard reduction burning to contact their local brigade 24 hours before they light the burn, to ask for assistance.
“NSW RFS brigades are happy to help people plan and conduct safe hazard reduction burns, ensuring the safety of both landowners’ property and the broader community.
“Members can also provide advice on fire permits, hazard reduction certificates, environmental approvals and weather forecasts.
“Every landholder has a responsibility to prevent fire spreading to other properties and there can be serious consequences for the person who started the fire.
“The first priority should always be safety, so never conduct a burn if conditions are not suitable. There are alternatives to burning, including hand clearing, mowing, or slashing areas around key assets on the property,” Supt Wallbridge said.
For more information, contact the Northern Tablelands Control Centre on (02) 6732 7046 or visit