Planning Commission meets for first time

Minister for Education, Training and Employment John-Paul Langbroek has welcomed newly appointed members of the Queensland Schools’ Planning Commission at the first meeting in Brisbane recently.
Minister Langbroek said members included representatives from the three schooling sectors, key government agencies and local government.
He said the Queensland Schools’ Planning Commission would be chaired by former Education Minister and school teacher Bob Quinn.
“The commission’s primary focus will be to advise the Government on matters relating to strategic planning for school infrastructure in Queensland,” Mr Langbroek said.
“It will analyse the current planning and financial systems of schools and provide recommendations on how to increase their efficiency and help cut red tape.
“This is about taking a coordinated approach to planning for the future needs of all Queensland schools.”
Mr Langbroek said the commission would also look at population trends and school capacity to help guide future planning.
“From this analysis, the commission will produce a Queensland schools infrastructure demand map, which will help us identify the schools that are most in need of funding and support,” he said.
“The Newman Government is committed to getting the basics right when it comes to planning for the future of our schools and ensuring that they are operating efficiently to deliver the best for Queensland’s children.”
Members of the Queensland Schools’ Planning Commission include Bob Quinn, former Education Minister and school teacher (chairman); Mike Byrne, executive director, Queensland Catholic Education Commission; David Robertson, executive director, Independent Schools Queensland; Greg Hoffman, general manager advocate, Local Government Association of Queensland; Annette Whitehead, Deputy Director-General, Department of Education, Training and Employment; Lyn McKenzie, Deputy Director-General, Education Queensland; Stephen Johnston, Deputy Director-General, Department of Local Government; Lisa Pollard, director, Regional Economic Partnerships, Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning; Gary Ward, A/Deputy Under Treasurer, Queensland Treasury and Trade; Kate Isles, president, Planning Institute of Australia – Queensland Division; Carmel Nash, secretary, Queensland Joint Parents Committee; and Mark Cridland, Deputy Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads.