High demand for new saleyards safety funding

The high demand for federal funding for safety upgrades of saleyards has pleased the Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor.
The Federal government announced an extra $10 million will flow through the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program and the guidelines will be expanded to include saleyard upgrades for the first time, following negotiations with Mr Windsor.
“The Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA), who lobbied hard for this extra funding, have told me they’ve been inundated with inquiries about the program,” Mr Windsor said.
“This shows many saleyards have been keen to upgrade their facilities but haven’t managed to rustle up the funds.
“Older ramps and gates put saleyard workers and truck drivers at serious risk of injury and death, so these safety upgrades can do a great deal to protect country families.
“I’m pleased these important safety upgrades have been made possible by this new federal funding,” Mr Windsor said.
The Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program funds infrastructure upgrades that improve the safety of transport industry workers, such as improvements to rest stops.
Round Three of the program has been boosted from $40 million to $50 million and extended to saleyards infrastructure, with submissions for funding due by October 31st 2012.
Mr Windsor is happy to help facilitate submissions with the Commonwealth.
“Saleyard operators should seek the support of local councils or the ALRTA in preparing their submissions, which should be made to both the relevant state government and the Commonwealth,” Mr Windsor said.
“State governments will prioritise the submissions and make formal applications for funding to the Commonwealth, which will make the final funding decisions with reference to the original submissions.
“I am also happy to help project proponents,” Mr Windsor said.
More information at www.nationbuildingprogram.gov.au/funding/Heavyvehicles/