Council seeks input on memorial for Sue Cowley

Southern Downs Regional Council is seeking community input regarding a suitable memorial for Sue Cowley.
Mrs Cowley served as a Councillor for 21 years, representing the community of Allora. Her dedication and commitment to her role made her a well respected and much loved member of that community.
Such was Mrs Cowley’s impact, that Council has been requested to establish a memorial in Allora in recognition of her achievements. Council supports this request and is seeking ideas for an appropriate memorial.
Two of the options which have so far been suggested are:
nnaming of the walkway along Dalrymple Creek Reserve – Sue Cowley Walk, and
na memorial involving the Allora Mountain Reserve.
If you have a suggestion on a fitting memorial for Mrs Cowley or alternatively would like to indicate your support for either of the above suggestions, please contact Michael Bell, Manager Parks and Major Projects on 4681 5500 or by email at
Suggestions should be received by 5pm on Friday, November 23. A report will then be prepared for Council’s consideration, identifying a preferred option from the suggestions provided.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr Bell on 4681 5500.