Schoolies urged to put safety first

As thousands of Schoolies celebrate their new-found freedom on the Gold Coast and other coastal destinations across Queensland, emergency services are pleading with them to put their safety first.
Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) Operations Supervisor Cary Strong said Schoolies Week celebrations were an important rite of passage for many, but tragedy could occur if teens were complacent.
“While there are some great experiences to be had, there’s also many dangers Schoolies face. Alcohol and drug use, especially in young people, can greatly impair decision making abilities and can lead to tragedy in the form of accidents, overdoses and assaults,” Mr Strong said.
“The best advice we can give Schoolies is to look after their mates and call for help if they are in trouble.
“If someone’s had too much to drink, overdosed on drugs, or has been injured, stay with them and call for help by phoning Triple Zero (000). If someone is unconscious, make sure they are rolled on their side and their airway is clear so that they can breathe properly.
“Drink spiking does happen, so never accept drinks from strangers or let your own drinks out of your sight.”
Mr Strong warned Schoolies to be especially careful in high-rise buildings and avoid balcony hopping.
“Tragically, there have been a number of deaths on the Gold Coast in recent times, where people have fallen from great heights while hopping between balconies. Historically, this is an issue for Schoolies too. There’s nothing more tragic than attending to a fatal accident of this sort where a young life could have been spared,” he said.
On the Gold Coast, the QAS will have a treatment centre set up next to the main hub on The Esplanade at Surfers Paradise where more than 16 paramedics and a management team will be stationed.
Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ) Gold Coast Area Director Deryck Taylor said more than twenty State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers would support their QAS counterparts on the Gold Coast.
“Our volunteers will be out in force ready to help where needed and will be spread across the three re-charge zones,” Mr Taylor said.
“We join our QAS counterparts in urging Schoolies to stay safe, drink responsibly, stay well away from drugs and always look after their mates.”