Sing up – loud and proud

YOUNG songwriters from across south-east Queensland are invited to enter the USQ School of Creative Arts’ inaugural song-writing competition.
The competition asks secondary students to submit an original song, for the chance to win recording time and to hear their work performed live at the Your Song My Way Concert in May.
USQ Associate Lecturer in Music, Alison Riethmuller said: “The idea for this project started as we were discussing our second and third year music students’ upcoming concert, which will showcase both their song-writing and performance talents.
“Given the wealth of amazingly creative teenagers I encounter in my teaching around Toowoomba and as project co-ordinator for ‘To Glee or Not to Glee’, I feel passionate about supporting and encouraging young musicians in our area, and giving them positive and fun ways to develop their creativity.
“Most other song-writing competitions are based in capital cities, and while the internet makes it easy for students to be involved from a distance, they may not ever have the chance to actually see the results in a live performance.
“These opportunities are incredibly important for young songwriters and musicians to have a vehicle to showcase their talents, and also for regional teenagers to feel inspired and motivated to develop their creativity.”
The competition is very flexible in terms of song and instrument specifications, with the only requirements being that the work includes vocals and lyrics, is no longer than four and a half minutes and is an original composition.
“From what I’ve already seen from the first entries, there will be quite a range of styles from solo piano/vocal pop songs and a rock song, to folk style guitar/vocal numbers and a gospel song.
“I think we’re going to have a tough time narrowing it down from the standard we’ve seen so far!”
The winning composition will be performed live at the ‘Your Song My Way’ concert on 25 and 26 May in the USQ Arts Theatre.
The winner will also receive two hours of studio time in the state-of-the-art USQ Recording Studio to record their song with the help of USQ professionals.
“We are lucky to have international recording artist and song writer, Mark Sholtez, teaching our students song writing this semester.
“Mark will be one of the professional artists performing the winning composition, along with Melissa Forbes (vocals) and our newest staff member, Bruce Woodward (guitar).”
Entries for the song writing competition close on 7 May and can be submitted via email to or online at
“It’s really easy for students to submit their entry; we’re accepting home recordings or youtube video links which appeals to the tech-savvy generation of young musicians.”