Apple and grape ambassadors

Apple&GrapeHarvest2By JONATHON HOWARD


EXCITEMENT is building around the Apple and Grape Harvest Festival next year from 7-9 March.
Four young contenders have already submitted their applications for the chance to win one of the coveted titles, including Festival Ambassador and Charity Ambassador.
By now Stanthorpe residents would have seen several fund-raising events which nominees have started.
However, Young Ambassador Director Liz Duell said more nominations were needed.
“Just a reminder that we still need more Young Ambassadors and all it takes to start off is a $200 sponsorship fee which can come from a region, a business, or a number of businesses,” she said.
Young Ambassador titles are open to both male and females between the ages of 18 and 35.
“Why not have a go and be part of the 2014 Apple and Grape Harvest Festival,” Ms Duell said.
“Entering the quest will give nominees a wealth of life experience as well as equipping them with confidence, meeting new people and the chance to win an overseas holiday sponsored by Harvey World Travel Stanthorpe.
“Coaching in public speaking, deportment and etiquette will be provided, in addition to the experience.”
To contact Ms Duell email