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Disappointment over Murray-Darling plan

Minister for Natural Resour-ces and Mines Andrew Cripps is disappointed a revised draft plan for the Murray-Darling Basin released this week has failed to...

Flying start for new club

The new Rose City Warwick Probus Club is off to a flying start, with a membership of 60 foundation members. The accreditation meeting was...

MGs great train race to Goondiwindi

Woolf Bonato’s race against Le Train Bleu from Cannes to Calais was a legendary challenge and the inspiration behind the Gold Coast MG Car...

Hospital and Health Board chairs announced

The Queensland Government has taken the first step towards bringing control of health services closer to the communities they serve, with the appointment of...

Make me want to quit!

A quit initiative being launched next week in Stanthorpe will offer smokers the opportunity to break the habit in a friendly environment with all...

Planning underway for new cross-arms

Inspections are about to begin as part of the planning process for the replacement of cross-arms on the 110kV Warwick to Stanthorpe powerline. Ergon Energy...

Once-in-your-lifetime view

During the daytime of June 6, a rare phenomenon called the transit of Venus will occur. This will be seen across Australia, weather permitting....

Autographed Broncos jersey up for grabs

Are you ready to test your knowledge, play fun games and win fantastic prizes? The well known ‘Rattle of the Brains’ Trivia Night will...

New Health Minister praises nurses

Saturday was International Nurses Day and new Queensland Health Minister, Lawrence Springborg, has sung the praises of nurses in Queensland, acknowledging the 32, 200...

New director for QCWT

The Queensland College of Wine Tourism (QCWT) Board of Management is pleased to announce that it has appointed Tony Comino to fill the director...

Rotten Federal Budget for local fruit growers

Apple & Pear Australia Limited (APAL) have announced it will continue to seek funding after last week’s budget announcement failed to recognise Australian apple...

Into the beat

A Wintersong Drumming workshop held in Tenterfield at the weekend proved a positive turnout for all concerned. The Joblink Plus-funded “Beat Camp Project” was designed...


Release your inner film critic

Granite Belt cinema buffs will have the chance to release their inner film critic when the Manhattan Short Film Festival comes to Stanthorpe on...

Tales from vacation

A Hallelujah moment