Chocolate frogs

This week's article was titled 'chocolate frogs'.

By Fleur Lind

Here’s the latest contribution from the Rose City Writers – this week from FLEUR LIND – check out more of Fleur’s writing at –


If Maddy had a dollar for every diet fad or food plan she’d tried that claimed to make excess weight fall off while she sat on the couch and read a book, she could afford to retire. She was spoilt for choice when it came to gadgets, accessories and Apps that worked her core, and tightened this and toned that. She had weights, a swiss ball, yoga mat, a bicycle, resistance training gear, Yoga and Pilate DVDs. Last, but by no means least, was her secret weapon; her old, pink and slightly-faded sweatband and lycra workout gear from her ‘80s Aerobics class, which stretched accommodatingly over her matured shape.

Maddy felt a small melancholy tingle as visions flashed before her of her as she remembered those great tracks she would work out to, the local gym populated by sweaty, multi-coloured lycra leotards lined up facing the wall- length mirror as they gyrated, squatted, jogged, lunged and twisted, while the Tape deck played Billy Idol’s White Wedding or Freddy Mercury pumped out Fat Bottom Girls.

She was so flexible back then. It was nothing at all to do full splits. Where she could not point her toes, was not worth talking about. They did not make lyra and leg warmers like that anymore, so she would wear her old ensemble with pride when doing her workouts. To complete her new fitness plan, she had bought a new pair of walking shoes with memory soles to stride out in. She thought the memory feature would come in very handy should she have some menopausal brain fog. With everything on her check list ticked, she had every reason to embrace an energetic new groove.

Maddy made a star chart to mark off each time she broke a sweat or stretched a muscle, just to commend herself for her efforts and achievements. This was bold move, making her five children wondered what she was up to. Star charts, totally weird workout gear, music that was not on the Top 10, was all a bit eye-rolling for her offspring. But they thought it was best just to leave Maddy to it. Her oldest daughter, Kate, hoped Maddy would not go outside the house looking so odd. Yoga pants and a sloppy tee shirt would be a far better look, but Dad, James, had said not to say a word. James, also Maddy’s husband of many years, was always supporting, loving and encouraging.

With all the exertion and effort Maddy would be to be expending, she thought there should be a ‘carrot’ dangling at the end of each day. Something to look forward to, a treat to relish for her hard work. So, what better way to celebrate her achievements, than with chocolate! She loved anything chocolatey; her menopausal cravings were cruel.

Two weeks into Maddy’s exercise regime, James could see cracks in her plan. The chocolate was corrupting her; her sweet tooth was proving more popular than her swiss ball.

Then, James had an idea.

He put Maddy’s chocolate in the fridge out in the garage, that housed the beer, wine, mixers, and other occasional consumables. Knowing there were cold, creepy overstayers that Maddy despised, hiding in the shadows inside the garage, he was confident she would not seek out her chocolate stash for fear of a few frogs that had taken residence. They would be a perfect deterrent, but James gave Maddy a small square of her chocolate fix each day to help keep her on task and pump her with pride as she moved nearer to her goal.

The stars stuck to the chart and Maddy’s core strength improved. It was a winning arrangement; the frogs were doing a great job, croaking occasionally in menacing tones, making regular appearances on and around the fridge. The children fed the frogs under James’s supervision, to keep them interested and on task. All in all, it was a team effort that worked. The frogs, the chocolate and the lycra tied together with a faded pink sweatband. No pretty bows, but Maddy rocked those leg warmers.

*This article is from 22 February 2021, and is being digitised so locals have access to our full catalogue.