Books better than devices…

Me with Margaret Warren getting ready for the big book sale...

By Jeremy Lister

I love reading and I spend a fair bit of my pocket money on books and newspapers. I am excited that on Friday the 22 of January to Sunday the 24th of January, St Paul’s Anglican Parish Stanthorpe will be holding its annual book sale at the church hall in Corundum Street. It will be free to attend and it is open each day from 10am to 4pm. They sell books like military history (which I think I will buy a lot of) fiction, non-fiction, Australiana, gardening, children’s, biographies and craft. I have gone to the last book sale there and every church service I always looked forward till after when I could buy some books.

I also look forward to other book sales like the annual one that the Warwick Club of Rotary Sunrise holds. It’s exciting to go in and not know what books I’ll find, but you can bet that mum and dad will walk out with a heavy load of books that I have chosen. And my favourite second hand book shop is the one in Charlotte Street in Brisbane City. The sign outside says “one million books” and if you go inside it is pretty true. I get to go there a few times a year when I’m in Brisbane with Dad for Parliament.

*This is an article from 18 January 2021, and is being digitised so all our readers have access to our full catalogue.