Civic centre opens in 1965

Dennis Nicol, Eric Ludlow, David Kettley, Doug Stevenson, Rodney Dibble next row Darryl. McMahon, Ian McNelly, Stewart Laird, Lindsay Tomkins, Neville Reeves, Joe Cavellero, Adrian Pengally, Loyd Taylor next row Rodney Fox, Peter Mc Nicol Keith Kidd teacher Robert Kerridge, Harry Martin, John Verri. Image: supplied.

Stanthorpe in 1965 saw two state schools close, a coat of arms designed for the town, the new civic centre opened, no Apple Blossom Festival, and more.

January 12

• Dalveen Police Station Closed

• Stanthorpe Mining Field

January 14

• Stanthorpe Orchards in 1907

(From The Brisbane Courier, January 7, 1907)

“It is not many years since the district was condemned by agriculturalists for its sterility yet now the landscape is diversified by orchards in all stages of development.“

• Two State Schools Closed

Two State Schools on the Granite Belt in Dalcouth and Thorndale have been closed.

January 26

• Stanthorpe Police Residence

Stanthorpe Shire Council is to approach the Governor in regard to the residences owned by the Police Department in Marsh Street, which were felt not to be in keeping with the new buildings being erected in that street.

• Design For Coat of Arms

The architect of the Stanthorpe Civic Centre, Mr. Blair Wilson, suggested that there should be a competition for a suitable design for a coat of arms for Stanthorpe. It was decided to offer a prize of €10/10 for the winning design and £S/5 for the second prize winner.

• In New Premises: Blue Bird Cafe (previously the Olympic Theatre)

• Obituary: Sydney T. Calvert

Soldier Settler

January 28

• Free Fluoride Tablets

Stanthorpe Shire Council has decided to issue free fluoride tablets to all children resident in the shire under the age of 12 years.

February 2

• Obituary: John Joseph O’Connor

• Dispensation for Catholics

Bishop Brennan has granted a dispensation to allow the Catholic People of Stanthorpe to eat meat on People’s Show Day, Friday, February 5th.

February 9

• Stanthorpe’s 85th Annual Show

• State Cabinet to Meet In Stanthorpe

February 11

• Economic Survey of Granite Belt

• Shop burnt to the ground

A general store at The Summit was burn to the ground on Tuesday night.

February 16

• Proposed Survey of Fruit Area

Queensland University conduct a survey of major problems confronting the fruit industry.

February 25

• Air Force Planes Over Stanthorpe

The Royal Australian Air Force, supporting the appeal for funds for the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, will make two flights over Stanthorpe during the period in which the doorknock canvass is being made in Stanthorpe and Wallangarra.

• Groom Baked Own Wedding Cake

Donald Elsley (formerly Glasgow Bakery)

March 9

• Ambulance Golden Jubilee

March 11

• Coat of Arms Competition

Mrs M. Thomas of Applethorpe wins a competition to design a coat of arms for Stanthorpe Shire (second Neville Gow, third, Chas Barnett).

March 23

• Town’s Coat of Arms

March 30

• Severe Drought in District

The Stanthorpe District at the present time is in the grip of one of the worst droughts experienced in its history and rain is urgently needed

• Man Walks in Space

April 6

• State Cabinet Meets in Stanthorpe

April 8

• Civic Welcome to Cabinet Ministers

April 20

• Inquest Into Wallangarra Shooting

Raymond Terrance Bush

May 20

• Official Opening of Civic Centre

Will Be Performed by the Queensland Treasurer, Mr T.A. Hiley

• Obituary: James Brownjohn

May 25

• Death Mr. A. I. McLeod

May 27

• Festa Celebrations: New St. Joseph’s High School Blessed

June 1

• Ambulance Jubilee – Official Opening of Additions

• Name For Civic Centre

“The F.A. Rogers Civic Centre“ suggested.

June 8

• Civic Centre Official Opening

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Mr. Hiley was presented with a gold key, suitably engraved as a memento of the historic occasion. Cost – £105.000.

Mr. Hiley said that Stanthorpe had waited almost 100 years for a hall of this quality. It was interesting that Stanthorpe built its first theatre in 1872 at a cost of £50. Patrons in the reserve seats were allowed the privilege of putting their feet next to the charcoal stove that heated the building in winter.

• Tremor At Wallangarra

Mrs. L.J. Reedy, Barawell Street, Wallangarra, reports that she felt an earth tremor at 8 o’clock on Friday morning. She said she was leaning against a wall at the time and felt the shake which caused doors and windows to rattle.

June 22

• No Apple Blossom Festival This Year

Not sufficient public support being given to the Festival

June 24

• Stanthorpe QATB History

• Border Rivers Scheme

• Death of Mr. Fred Sellars

July 6

• Official Opening of Shire Library

• Obituary: E.M. Mason

July 20

• Cyclonic Weather in Stanthorpe

• Six Smashes Over Weekend

• Strange Object Seen In Sky

July 22

• Obituary: William Cowie

July 29

• Obituary: Mrs. Mary Martha Scully

August 3

• Original Post Office Site

Corner site of the new Civic Centre – A.E. Bateman

August 5

• Final Cost of Sewerage: £555.000

August 12

• 15 Take Oath of Allegiance

August 19

• Death of Mr. Paul Hilton

State Funeral To Be Accorded

August 26

• Bill Thorpe and Aztecs Visit Stanthorpe

With Jade Hurley, Vicki Forest

September 7

• Bitumen Runway For Aerodrome

• Memorial in Stanthorpe Park

The Stanthorpe sub branch RSSAILA is anxious that a memorial be erected in the Stanthorpe Park where Anzac Day Services could be held in future.

September 9

• Apple Harvest Festival

A meeting of representative of the DSGC and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held in the Library Room, Civic Centre on Monday, September 6, when it was resolved to stage an Apple Harvest Festival in March, 1966. A committee of those present was formed with Mr. Max McMahon as chairman. It is proposed that the efforts be combined with “Eat An Apple Week“ which proved so successful last year.

September 14

• Tintookies To Visit Stanthorpe

• Table Tennis, Leonie Murphy’s Triumph

Won the Women’s Single’s Championship. Represented Queensland at 13 years of age. In 1961 went with the Australian team to Peking where she played in the world table

tennis championships. Moved to Adelaide for more match play and captained the South Australian team.

September 16

• Farewell to Rev I.G. Davis

St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

September 28

• Tintookies in Stanthorpe

An audience of 1260 makes the Stanthorpe matinee the biggest audience the show has seen in Australia.

• Apple Festival Next March

A meeting of the Stanthorpe Apple Harvest Festival was held at the Civic Centre on Monday night, September 20. The chairman, Max McMahon, presided over a representative gathering of about 20. Mr. Col Thomas of the COD suggested a carnival run along the lines of the Gayndah Orange Festival. At the conclusion of the evening, sub-committee were formed to formulate a concrete program for the week. A date for the week (March 11-20) was decided on. Mr. Les Watts was elected secretary and Mr. Duncan Muller the treasurer.

October 7

• Chamber of Commerce – Fruit Survey Presented Soon

• Earthquake in Stanthorpe

The Stanthorpe district yesterday morning at 2.43 o’clock suffered an earthquake which wakened many residents throughout the area. It seemed to come from the west and was preceded by a roaring noise after which houses shook and windows and crockery rattled. The earthquake was felt in the Inglewood, Texas, and Leyburn districts. Wednesday’s quake measures three to four on the Richter scale. Fr. McKay, an amateur seismologist, said this second earthquake seemed to confirm the belief of Professor Gill that there was a geological fault in the earth’s construction in the district.

• Obituary: Alexander Bathersby.

Resident from 1902.

• Dr. Joan Tully’s Survey of the Granite Belt

The report emphasises that many growers are not well informed on their industry and on many matters appertaining to it. Many growers were concerned about poor packing Stanthorpe. Two thirds of all growers thought that an overall brand for choice Granite Belt fruit if properly carried out would be a good idea.

October 12

• Fire At Wallangarra

A fire at 8.10 pm last night destroyed a large produce shed in the Railway yards at Wallangarra.

October 19

• Obituary: Frederick William Lancaster

• Apple Harvest Week: Appeal for Members

October 21

• Founder of Lions Club In Stanthorpe

Mr. Bill Tresise

• Boy Scouts: “Buff Baker“ Memorial Den Opened

Jardine Street den opened by Mt. C.B. Nixon, Chief Commissioner

November 11

• Refuse Disposal in Stanthorpe

The Britannia Street dump has filled up and is no longer practicable

• Official Opening: Horticultural Research Station

November 18

• Proposed Lock Street Bridge

November 23

• Bypass road and Stanthorpe

• Stanthorpe Shire: Revaluation Deferment

November 25

• COD At Ballandean

The COD has purchased the Ballandean cold store and merchandise department belonging to lona Enterprises

November 30

• Shire Council: Cr. N.S. Sullivan Welcomed

December 7

• Welcome Rains End Drought

• Record Stone Fruit Load

Carried by railways to Brisbane Markets – 429 tons

December 9

• Apple Blossom Ball

• Apex Santa Fair

December 14

• Airline Services to Stanthorpe

Stanthorpe Shire Council is concerned that East West airlines may be eliminating services to Warwick and Stanthorpe

• Granite Court Motel

Stanthorpe now has three motels, the last to be opened being that of Granite Court Motel.

• Petrol Pumps on Footpaths

It was resolved that Central motors be advised that the Council intends to put the by- law into effect and the council would give Central Motors six months extension to effect a change.

December 23

• The Rex Theatre for CMF

The Rex Theatre in Farley Street will be the permanent home of the 25th Battalion CMF when it resumes training next year

December 30

• Wallangarra Fire – Theatre & Cafe Razed

A fire which broke out in Wallangarra early on Monday morning, December 27, completely destroyed the Rex Theatre and a cafe which was part of the same building.