New name for festival

Italian Festa: Father Lino Valente (Assistant Parish Priest St Joseph's Stanthorpe 1960-1974, Parish Priest St Mary's Wallangarra 1974-1978 and Parish Priest St Joseph's Stanthorpe 1981-2003), Mary Crema (now Puglisi), Enisia Fogliani (now Nocente) and Len Torrisi at the Italian Festa celebrations. Photo: Supplied.

The 1954 Apple Blossom Festival is renamed The Apple and Grape Festival in 1966

The festival was a roaring success however it was also pathed with controversy after a decision to serve alcohol at the Harvest Festival was permitted.

A protest was headed by Rev Ron Glasson who later in the year passed away.

1966 saw decimal currency introduced and the local rag charged at 4 cents and in May the famed Normie Rowe Show blasted the Civic Centre resulting in shrill delight and hysteria from the local female fans.

January 11

• Harvest Festival Ball Discussion on Liquor Licence Letter of protest from Rev Ron Glasson against the decision of the committee to serve liquor.

The committee adhered to their previous decision and stressed that there would be no bar and that liquor would be served in alcoves in the main hall and in a marquee.

“Offends normal standards of social dignity and reflects sadly on the taste of the very fine young people who do find so much pleasure in social activities without drink being present.“

Stanthorpe Man Wounded in Vietnam Private S. Meharg

January 27

• Decision Stands: Ball Liquor Permit Stanthorpe Art Group, Stanthorpe Repertory Society and Gamatonics Variety Company object to liquor licence and ask council to review its decision.

Concern for condition of the building and social atmosphere.

“We feel it is a backward move and that one mishap or lapse on the part of patron would sully our lovely hall of which we are justly proud.“

February 8

• Apple Harvest Festival – Mr. T.A. Hiley (Former Treasurer) to open

• Stanthorpe Border Post

With the introduction of decimal currency on Monday, February 14, the charge for the Stanthorpe Border Post will be four cents.

February 15

• C-Day in Stanthorpe

The change over from pounds, shillings and pence to decimal currency took place in Stanthorpe with the minimum of trouble and it was evident that the staffs of banks, public offices and stores had been well trained to meet the day.

There was a lack of incidents, and it was generally agreed by all those interviewed that the public had been most co-operative and courteous and the change-over was accepted in good spirits.

The manager of the National Bank of Australasia, Mr. Raven, said there had been a great rush when the banks opened in the morning.

• DSGC Meeting: Member Walks Out A.V. Parfitt walks out of a DSGC meeting during a heated discussion over whether the COD should take over the Thulimbah COD from the DSGC.

February 22

• Diamond Jubilee of Ursuline Nun Mother M. Francis Sheahan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Sheahan of Stanthorpe.

Rogers Street is proclaimed

• Festival Ball: Liquor Licence Granted Rev Glasson appeals to the licencing Commission against the granting of a permit to serve liquor at the Stanthorpe Apple Harvest Festival Ball.

Signed petitions from the Stanthorpe branch of the Catholic Daughters and the CWA.

Not appropriate that liquor would be served where girls between the ages of 17 and 23 would compete for the title of “Miss Delicious“.

March 1

• Liquor Licence for Ball

An objection has been lodged and a rehearsing has been set down for Thursday, March 3, in Brisbane.

Those who are opposed to the granting of a licence have called a public meeting which will be held in the Methodist Hall tomorrow.

• Obituary: Mrs. Agnes McGaw

March 3

• Protest Meeting Against Liquor in the Civic Centre

The Commission decided that liquor should be served in a marquee outside the Civic Centre and the Apple Harvest Festival Committee is seeking permission for it to be served in the hall.

The appeal comes before the Licensing Commission today.

The meeting decided to protest against the move made by the committee.

He suggested they form a Committee of Concern: To stir the conscience of the community on underaged drinking and adult morality; To press for heavier penalties for those who aid and abet the crime; To assist the police in every possible way on the task of law enforcement of underage drinking; To assist parents with training and rearing children.

March 10

• Early Days at Lyra By Old Timer

• Harvest Festival Highlight

Two greasy pigs are to be released during the afternoon and will be the prize for anyone who can catch them.

These pigs are real Western racers and have been especially railed in from Noondoo near Dirranbandi.

March 15

Apple Harvest Festival – Official Opening Miss Delicious – Janice Marshall, and Granny Smith, Kathleen Smith

March 17

Festival Ball Great Success

March 24

• Apple Harvest Festival – Gay Colourful Procession

March 29

• Air Service For Stanthorpe

East West Airlines has formally surrendered their licence to operate at Stanthorpe, but two other applications have been received to provide a regular air service connecting Stanthorpe and Brisbane.

March 31

• Chamber of Commerce Discuss 2 hour Parking Limit

Air Service For Stanthorpe Queensland Air Lines will provide an air service to Stanthorpe and Warwick.

April 12

• Plaque Unveiled at Glen Lyon History of Glen Lyon Station

April 14

• The Morris Mini Moke Now on show at McCosker Motors

April 28

• Swimming Pool for Stanthorpe

The Apex Club has approached Stanthorpe Shire Council on the matter. Unanimous support was given by the councillors and Cr. Rogers intimated that he would call a public meeting to discuss the proposal.

May 3

• The Normie Rowe Show Stanthorpe Civic Centre, Monday, May 9. With Go Go Girls direct from Kommotion.

May 5

Golden Thulimbah Jubilee Presbyterian Church

May 10

• Scout Olympics at Stanthorpe 270 Scouts to compete

May 12

• The Normie Rowe Show

A line up Australian singing sensation headed by national top pop Normie Rowe rocketed into their performances with wild enthusiasm that created an environment of shrill and hysteria amongst the large local female following in the Civic Centre on Monday night.

The Playboys blasted out the beat of the modern medium, to the continuous wails of female fans. This was the Normie Rowe Show, a spectacle of Australia’s top teenage talent…… The indubitable start of the show was Normie Rowe, whose vigorous wild antics and girlish voice created an emission of shrieks and screams of approval from the female younger set. His song that brought him to fame,

Que Sera Sera“, succeeded by “Shakin’ All Over“ left his fans in a tremor…….. The Normie Rowe Show (was) an occasion that the vibrating walls of the Civic Centre will not soon forget.

May 31

Sweeping Victory to McKechnie The Queensland elections held last Saturday resulted in a great victory for the Country-Liberal Government which was again returned with a large majority. Mr. McKechnie had an outright win over his two opponents, Mr. Gow (ALP) and Mr. F.C. Burges (DLP).

• Stanthorpe Fire – Man Dies From Burns Mr. Bernard Ronald Mann

June 2

• Chamber of Commerce Conference: Development of Queensland Federation of Chambers of Commerce of South Queensland 19th annual conference in Stanthorpe

• Scout Olympics: 260 Scouts Compete in Varied Programme

July 5

• Chamber of Commerce: Beautification of Creek Banks

The beautification of Quart Pot Creek and the possibility of the establishment of a park on the adjoining banks was of major consideration in the discussions of the Chamber of Commerce during the June meeting.

July 19

• Obituary: Richard Clarence Brownjohn

July 26

Obituary: K.A. Cook

July 28

• Removal Unlikely: Light Poles in Stanthorpe Main Street

Stanthorpe and TV Station Stanthorpe Shire Council has written to the Postmaster General and Australian Broadcasting Commission to protest against the lack of publicity given to Stanthorpe at the opening of the National Television Station ABSQ Channel 1 which is located at Passchendaele, 14 miles from Stanthorpe.

To judge from the remarks made by the speakers, one would think that the station was at Warwick’s back door.

August 2

• Obituary:

Mrs. M.E. Curr

August 4

• Removal of Petrol Pumps Central Motors to be asked to take action in 21 days

August 16

• Air Services to Stanthorpe Queensland Airlines to provide services on Tuesday and Thursday.

• Can Fight Fires Over the Border Stanthorpe Fire Brigade

August 25

Obituary: Miss K. Walsh

August 30

• Obituary: Mr. A.E. Fordyce

September 6

• Patrick George Hopgood

September 8

• Obituary: Thomas Edward McNamara

• DSGC Discussion: Cannery Prospects Not Bright

September 22

• Obituary: Mr. Walter Rogers

September 27

• Obituary: Frederick Lawer

November 10

• Obituary: Rev Ronald Glasson

November 22

• Welcome to Primate of Australia Archbishop Phillip Strong

Obituary: Stanley William Pettiford

December 1

• Amiens Branch Line May Be Closed

• Mr. C.E Barnes retails McPherson

December 6

• Use of Cartons for Fruit DSGC told there had been a big swing away from using wooden cases