Stanthorpe wins premiership

Casey O'Connor lifts the Locke Trophy after Stanthorpe won the premiership.

It was 1968, pre-Gremlins days, when Stanthorpe Rugby League beat the odds to win their very first under 18’s premiership in the Warwick and District competition on 7 September, and a major water crisis took place when the pipe line from Storm King Dam broke.

The year ended with a damaging hail storm right before Christmas day.


January 2

• Water Supply for Applethorpe Stanthorpe Shire Council is to investigate a proposal to supply water to Applethorpe

• Saleyards in Stanthorpe Council is to seek views of stock agents on establishing saleyards in town.

• Fire Brigade Board Hoses have pinholes

January 4

• Water Crisis: Break in Pipe Line Break in pipe line from Storm King Dam caused a water crisis

January 9

• Obituary: William Munson

• Cannery Proposal: Meeting at Dalveen January 11

• Mr. Eric Eggleton Resigns (Ambulance Brigade) Lawson & Co Sold To Australian Estates Company Ltd

January 18

• Council Buys Rex Theatre

January 23

• Air Service To Stanthorpe

January 25


• Margaret Cran

January 30

•First Darling Downs and Stanthorpe District Tourist Seminar Will be held

February 8

• Dalveen Meeting:

• Cannery for Stanthorpe discussed

February 13

• Stanthorpe Shire Statistics

February 20

• Decision Not to Buy: Chain Store and Granite Belt Jonathans Topping of fruit to such an extent that Woolworths will not buy it. Inspector needed on the Granite Belt to spot check loadings (Gow).

February 22

• Council Approves Loan for Swimming Pool Cost $120,000; Loan $60,000; Subsidy $30,000; $20,000 public subscription.

February 27

• No Air Service to Stanthorpe

• Max McMahon in Hospital President of Apple and Grape taken on by E.G. Reeves

• DSGC Seeks Talks Over Fruit Ban

DSGC & Council meet – Water Conservation on the Granite Belt out of 300

February 29

• Early Years of Southern Granite Belt By Sid Smith

• Pierpoints – Nearly 100 years of service to district

• Expansion of Air Taxi Service

• Checks on Stanthorpe Apples DPI Inspectors conduct snap inspections on thousands of cases of fruit. growers whose fruit was inspected, 76 did not make the grade.

March 5

• Obituary: Cec Moore

March 14

• Manahans New Store Opened Darling Downs Tourist Seminar

• Stanthorpe Pistol Club – the formation of a Stanthorpe Pistol Club is expected in the near future

March 19

• Obit: K.M. Hodgson

April 4

• Swimming Pool (Letter to the Editor)

April 9

• Obituary: Elizabeth Mary Spiller

April 16

• Stanthorpe State High School Home Science Block Opening

April 23

• Won Military medal: David John Haynes Bravery in Vietnam

May 7

• Council decisions: Olympic Pool for Stanthorpe

May 9

• Government Acts: Pikes Creek Dam

May 14

• Obituary: Colin R. Rogerson May 16

• Snow Falls in May – Coldest May Day in 46 years May 23

• Pole sit for swimming pool May 30

• Vale Fred Jobst – A Gentle Man June 11

• Use of Rex Hall: Proposed Youth Camp at Storm King Dam

• Tribute to F.A. Jobst

June 13

• Obituary:

F.A. Jobst

June 18

• Youth Week in Stanthorpe

Not Interested; No Air Services to Stanthorpe

July 2

• Last Day at Liston School

Opening Lions Rest Area, The Summit

July 9

• Farewell to Liston School Teacher

• Federal Aid Sought: Pikes Creek Dam

July 18

• Youth Camp at Storm King Dam National Fitness representatives have expressed strong support for the proposal

July 23

• Walkathon for Swimming Pool

Obituary: Herbert Fischer Reimers

August 6

• Cec Mann & Co enlarged premises

August 22

• The late Alf Barlow (letters)

• Michael Bathersby admitted as Solicitor

August 27

• Retiring this week: Mr. B. Flewell Smith Kangaroos on Golf Course

• What is Pole Sit Week Pierpoints used car yard, terminates with a pole sit dance; 5¢ for every pair of trousers cleaned by Perfect Dry Cleaners.

September 3

• 25th Battalion – Presentation of Colours

Chalet for Children In operation Wallangarra Road for 5 years

• Pioneers of Cold Storage

• Obituary: Archie Rae

• Pole Sit Progress Victor Greenup has offered a prize ram to auction; Dick Burton has offer 5¢ for every haircut at the Red Lion. Cec Mann’s brain child. Advertising space on the pole available for a small fee.

September 5

• Apex Club Change-over – $1000 for Swimming Pool

September 10

• Youth Centre at Storm King Dam

Raising Funds for Swimming Pool – $1400 for Basketball Association

September 12

• Croston Studios Sold to Geoff Rayner

New Block for Stanthorpe Hospital – X-Ray Block

September 17


• Ernie Hopgood (Cricketer)

September 19

• Stanthorpe & District Choral Society presents “Oklahoma“ Peter Bondfield as Curly, Isobella Pappagallo as Laurey, Bruno Zanatta and Marjorie Yarrow

September 24

• Pole Sit Week a Spectacular Start Stanthorpe Shire War Memorial Olympic Pool Building Committee. Started at 9 am. by 9 pm has raised $1000. 198 donations – average $6 per donor. 9 pm Monday $2676. Bids on rams asked to ring after 9.30 pm at night to avoid clash with ringing up on day and keep night shift awake. BDF Emporium offered $5 on any major appliance. Trip for two to New Zealand to be won.

September 26

• Pool Funds Grow – $3580 ($4100 raised by Pole Sit Fund) Pool Fund now $17,500

October 3

• Little Change of Reprieve Texas Limestone Caves to be inundated by dam

• Site of Swimming Pool Lower part of park rather than upper favoured

October 10

• Grant of $2500 for National Fitness Club

October 15


• Ian Howard

October 22


• Walter Gunn

October 24

• Council opposed: Pikes Creek Dam Economically unfair to the rest of the state Devil’s Elbow Again In one year, 7 trailer accidents, $50,000 damage

October 29

• Youth Camp at the Dam Cr. Rogers reports on plan to move Rex Hall

October 31

• Severnlea State School Jubilee

November 5

• NSW/Qld Border Rivers Agreement Signed

November 7

• Pikes Creek Dam and Glenlyon Caves

• Miss Pratt Granite Belt Open Golf Champion

November 12

• Hail Storm

Creates Havoc at Omanama

November 12


• Les Atkins

November 14

• Neil O’Connor, Six Catches

November 19

• Severnlea State School Jubilee

November 21

• Stanthorpe Shire Statistics.

Obituary: Viv Barker

Early History of Severnlea

November 28

• Swimming Pool Approved

December 24

• Damaging Hail Storm