Music groups in perfect harmony

A combined presentation by the Southern Downs String Ensemble, East Street Singers and Granite Belt Choir, under the baton of Malcolm Gamble on Sunday. Picture: TEENA WILCOX

A big audience gathered for a concert that featured a string ensemble, two choirs and a guest appearance by a well known violinist in Stanthorpe on Sunday 2 June.

The Southern Downs String Ensemble presented its half-yearly concert at the Stanthorpe Civic Centre (hosted by the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery) and was joined by members of the Granite Belt Choir and the East Street Singers.

The two hours of music was a combination of classical and contemporary pieces that showcased orchestral, choral and solo presentations.

A very special part of the program was a performance of the Thaïs Méditation by Queensland Symphony Orchestra associate concertmaster Alan Smith, who was accompanied by pianist Arlene Bird of Warwick.

The string ensemble is now on its half-year break and will regroup in July to start preparing for its Christmas concert.