Letters to the editor

This week's letters to the editor discuss emu swamp dam.

Support for dam

Dear Editor,

Response to Mr. Morison from paper 12th of August.

Dear Mr. Morison,

Please don’t let the facts get in the way of your own agenda.

The squeaky wheel they say makes the most noise. All we keep hearing is lots of squeaking from the few POWters as they go round and round on their merry go round.

You say our letter was childish but you still fail to provide what is needed? Facts! It’s pretty childish how not wanting extra water security on the premise that “you just don’t like the greedy Irrigators“ is all you have. It’s not good enough to just simply “nit pick“ the odd sentence here and there from thousands of pages of documents in reports to come up still with no solutions to the next drought predicament or job security for the Region. So while you bust a pooper valve saving up for your new half page ad (at least you’re supporting some local talent) maybe you and the mysterious POWters could come up with a “REAL“ solution to the next drought? Where is the POWters’ detailed business case? We all wait with baited breath for that one.

On another note the Bromance between one of the Councillors and one of the POWters is an ongoing source of entertainment. The Councillor is a rather handsome rooster so we fully understand the want for his attention.

We will remain anonymous. After all the POWter’s membership are primarily anonymous is it not ?

– Love the Emu Swamp Dam Brigade

Bridge over troubled dam waters

Rather than all of we self-appointed commentators toing and froing through letters, how about SDRC putting all of the different expert consultants reports on the council web page. That way people can read the reports for themselves and it would help keep people honest. It would be important to ensure the GHD report, the State government presentation and report to council and the Badu reports were included. I would also like to see recent costings for the various top three GHD recommendations. The final item to be included would be a decision making matrix where council clearly lay out the pluses and minuses of the various options so it is clear that a non partisan logical decision making process occurred. This is critical to ensure SDRC choose the best way forward to ensure water resilience for our community.

I believe the above has to happen to restore community confidence in council. What do other people think?

P.S. If the council’s proposal to put out their own information sheet can not be evidenced by expert consultants’ reports, we will still be stuck in a battle of pushing selective information and allowing propaganda and spin to win the day. And that will be a tragedy for ratepayers and democracy.

– John Morison, Stanthorpe