Maryvale Hall Committee AGM

SDRC Councillors attended the Maryvale Hall Committee AGM on Wednesday 29 September and provided a report at the last Ordinary Council Meeting.

By Dominique Tassell

Councillors Andrew Gale and Stephen Tancred attended the Maryvale Hall Committee AGM on Wednesday 29 September and provided a report at the last Ordinary Council Meeting of Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC).

President Michael Deecke, Vice President Franke Roche, Secretary Shane Kimber, and Treasurer Madonna Roche were all in attendance.

The President was previously Heather Sherriff.

The report stated that the organisation is going well and the finances are in good shape.

There are currently 22 members with 12 being at the meeting with four proxies tendered, so Councillors Gale and Tancred report they appear to be well engaged.

The Councillors stated that the Maryvale Hall is being well used.

They reported that indoor bowls regularly get 20 players and there are regular private hires.

All activities are run in a Covid-safe manner.

The Committee are combining their Trash and Treasure days with the Maryvale Progress Association’s Community Markets and the hall will be painted inside and out soon, thanks to an FRRR grant.

The budget for that project is $29,000.

The last year or so has seen many improvements to the hall, including solar panels, floor, heating and air-con, lighting, and safety access.

Councillors will reportedly get invited to a thank you pig on the spit function on Saturday 27 November.

Councillor Sheryl Windle raised a question in the meeting regarding the reports on these sorts of events.

“I just want some clarification with this one, because I mean over the last term of council and this term of the council I have attended several hall committee meetings and progress association and such like. Chaired AGMs, but I didn’t realise that I was meant to bring a report back to council each time.”

“Is that what is expected now, are we meant to be doing that?”

SDRC Mayor Vic Pennisi said this was not expected, and that he has suggested to Marion that they just be circulated to councillors instead of “tying up time” in ordinary meetings.

The motion was moved by Councillor Ross Bartley and seconded by Councillor Cameron Gow.