Town planning open to community views

SDRC is inviting all members of our community to join the conversation that will shape the future of town planning across the region.

Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) is inviting all members of our community to join the conversation that will shape the future of town planning across the region.

The community’s ideas and visions will be pivotal in the current review of the region’s ten-year planning scheme to ensure the Southern Downs is planned and developed for the people who live here.

SDRC Mayor Vic Pennisi said genuine community engagement would drive a plan to regulate growth and change through a series of well consulted strategies.

“The Southern Downs Planning Scheme is an important document for shaping our region, our home,” Mayor Pennisi said.

“This document will be central to how our region evolves and grows into the future and it will direct where, how and what development occurs, what infrastructure and public spaces should be provided for communities, environment and building protection and land uses.

“Community consultation events are planned throughout November and we want to see the community come out in numbers to ensure that the new planning framework reflects the needs and aspirations of our residents.

“Listening and talking to the community will bring about well-rounded outcomes and address the actual needs out there.

“I strongly encourage individuals, businesses and community groups to make the most of this opportunity to share their thoughts and visions for the Southern Downs with Council.”

Public drop-in and pop up events will be held throughout the region.

One will be held in Killarney from 4.30 pm to 6 pm on Thursday 4 November at Killarney Senior Citizens Hall.

The next will be held in Warwick from 4.30 pm to 6 pm on Wednesday 10 November at Warwick Town Hall.

Allora will have the chance to chat with SDRC about their views on Thursday 11 November from 4.30 pm to 6 pm at the Senior Citizens Hall.

The five key themes of housing, business and tourism, environment, natural hazards and climate change, heritage, culture and character, and agriculture have been identified to shape the final planning scheme.

The current planning scheme was adopted in 2012 and is under review to reflect the region’s growth and adjust to changed circumstances.

Consultation for the new planning scheme is open for all of November for comments to be received.

Survey links, fact sheets and an interactive online map are available at

This web address will also be updated with useful information throughout the process.

At the end of the consultation period, the comments received will collectively start the preparation of drafting the planning scheme.