Letters to the editor

This week's letters centre around dams.

A dam shame

Once again GBIP have shown a lack of courtesy and consideration towards affected landowners. A milestone in the project of ESD so significant to us affected landowners that the proponents and the CEO of the project couldnt have the decency to tell us personally. I might add that this is not the first time that we have been ignored, just one of several.

A “Pause” in the project…how long..a month..three months…six months or years. Once again we are left up in the air with no end in sight. After all these years i think we are entitled to know an end date so that we can get on with our lives.

We have always supported ESD even though we were to lose a portion of our property only to find out Christmas Eve that GBIP wanted the whole property.

Shame on GBIP for your lack of compassion, consideration and courtesy. How would you like it if it was your property and it was happening to you?

Jacqui and Martin Heppleston, Glen Aplin

Clean green hydroelectric power

Rightly or wrongly the Federal Government has signed up to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, at present there is only two reliable base load power sources that are net zero emissions that is hydroelectric and nuclear, I’m not suggesting that we go nuclear, the other is hydro or better still pump hydro.

Southern Downs is extremely well situated for pump hydro, by the time the Severn River gets to Sundown it is quite a substantial river, if a dam were to be situated at the optimum site in Sundown it could provide a substantial amount of emissions free power.

The Sundown dam would hold approximately twice the amount Glen Lyon dam holds, and would have > half the surface making the Sundown dam a very deep dam, the wall would be well over 120m high giving this dam enormous hydro potential, especially when coupled to another power source for pump hydro. Given the dams enormous size it could also be used for flood mitigation.

Incidentally the volume of irrigation water allocated to Emu Swamp Dam would only take up the top few inches of the Sundown dam.

Of course this dam won’t be built as we don’t have any visionary leaders like B Chifley, J McEwen or our lat great Queensland visionary Sir Joh, instead we get the Don Quixotes of the world “jousting with windmills”.

John Salata, Glen Aplin