Livestock markets update

By McDougall and Sons

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

The rain affected the yarding as vendors and agents worked to get a reasonable number for the weekly sales.

The yarding of 467 head was half of what was presented last week but the yarding had some good types in most categories.

Cattle numbers

Vealer Steers averaged 669.3c/kg to a top of 760.2c/kg or $1672.72 to a top of $2189.01

Vealer heifers averaged 591.5c/kg to a top of 684.2c/kg or $1483.21 to a top of $1899.96

Feeder steers averaged 582.9c/kg to a top of 696.2c/kg or $2246.35 to a top of $2772.00

Feeder heifers averaged 512.3c/kg to a top of 582.2c/kg or $2133.29 to a top of $2212.36

Yearling steers averaged 678.2c/kg to a top of 808.2c/kg or $2059.78 to a top of $2420.00

Yearling heifers averaged 572.8c/kg to a top of 660.2c/kg or $1689.70 to a top of $2028.78

Steers averaged 449.1c/kg to a top of 459.2c/kg or $2958.57 to a top of $3468.21

Heifers averaged 436.4c/kg to a top of 451.2c/kg or $2296.31 to a top of $3411.55

Manufacturing steers averaged 433.1c/kg to a top of 447.2c/kg or $2907.21 to a top of $3376.36

Cows averaged 403.3c/kg to a top of 431.2c/kg or $2364.78 to a top of $3532.86

Bulls averaged 404.2c/kg to a top of 532.2c/kg or $2110.39 to a top of $3536.17

A feel-good story of the sale was the top-priced articles being cow and calf units making $4000 / unit, these were purchased at the weekly pig and calf sale from local breeders during the dry and have returned the buyers confidence in the articles by making the top price, as well as the breeder who was at the sale and saw the result.

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lamb numbers were also subdued with 985 head meeting the market missing one major buyer.

The quality of the yarding was up and down with some good export and butcher lambs along with some runs of breeding ewes and light feed on lambs keeping the restockers interested.

Lambs topped at $241 to average $182.97, par week on week

Hoggets topped at $195 to average $160.67, $11 down week on week

Ewes topped at $170 to average $104.38, $14 down week on week

Wethers topped at $156 to average $138.08, $3 down week on week

Lamb rams topped at $214 to average $181.41, $21 up week on week

Total yarding averaged $161.53 a fall of $15/head week on week.

Pig and poultry numbers

Pig numbers increased to 119 head with the majority being stores.

The market was firm with Sows returning from $152 to $405/head, Baconers from $70 to $192, Boars to $130, Pork from $203 to $210 and stores ranging from $57 to $205

Poultry numbers continue to soar with some good results mainly for the scarcer types. Guinea Fowl sold to $80/unit of 6, Ducklings sold to $25/unit of 6, Chickens got to $12.50 for a pair , Roosters sold to $22.50, Pullets and Brown hens sold to $15 each, Bantam Pullets sold to $17.50 and a pen of Silkys sold to $42.50

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded a smaller package of sheep and lambs for the weekly sale the 985 head falling 400 short of last sale.

The stock was of differing quality with some substantial runs of good export types mixed in with some light lambs and a few runs of mutton and with one major buyer not attending the odds were in favour of the buyers, back to the paddock sales helped alleviate this too much.

Lambs topped at $241 to average $182.97(Par), hoggets topped at $195 to average $160.67($11down), ewes topped at $170 to average $104.38($14down), wethers topped at $156 to average $138.08($3down), lamb rams topped at $214 to average $181.41($21up).

The total yarding averaged $161.53, $15 per head down week on week.

• Woodland Farming sold Dorper x lambs 67.8kg to Thomas Foods for $230, 69.1kg ram lambs to Warwick Meats for $193, 80kg ewe lambs to Thomas Foods for $227, 50kg Xb lambs to Warwick Meats for $190

• Tom & Tracie Cooper sold Dorset x lambs off feed 62kg to Thomas Foods for $225, 53.2kg to Ashtons Butchery for $226, 46.6kg to Ashtons for $200

• Widgeegoera Past Co sold Dorset x lambs 66.87kg , 65.6kg 63kg to Thomas Foods for $240

• Tony & Julia Simmons sold Dorper x lambs 70kg to Thomas Foods for $240, 50kg to Ashtons Butchery for $210

• Oakley Past Co sold Dorper lambs 50kg to Ashtons Butchery for $215, 43.3kg to Elliots Butchery for $186

• Tony & Lynne Duncan sold Dorperram lambs 45kg to Uniplaza Meats for $181, 45kg lambs to GR Prime for $195

• JCD Past sold Dorper wether lambs 49.5kg to Ashtons Butchery for $215, ewe lambs 52.5kg to Uniplaza Meats for $220

• Warrick Ryan sold Dorper lambs 60kg to Thomas Foods for $241, 50kg to Grants Quality Meats for $220

• Darryl Polzin sold Dorper x lambs 37.5kg to Highchester Meats for $162

• Darcy & Melissa Filmer sold Dorper x sucker lambs 43.3kg to GR Prime for $174, 40kg to Grants Quality Meats for $180 and Leslie Lamb for $177

• Phil Sissman sold Dorset lambs 50kg to Warwick Meats for $200, 70kg hoggets to restockers for $178, Xb ewes to restockers for $80, Merino ewes to Thomas Foods for $100