My 11th Birthday

By Jeremy Lister

I turned 11 on the 11th of February. I got a few lovely presents from my family including some genuine military ration packs for when I go camping and some books as well, so it was a great start to the day.

Dad was in Toowoomba for work meetings on my birthday and also Mum was taking my brother William and me to the eye specialist there so we all got together for lunch in Toowoomba.

My favourite food is Indian so the whole family including my grandparents on both sides went to an Indian restaurant for lunch. This was special for me because Nana and Papa Kev on my mum’s side live in Townsville and I only get to see them a couple of times a year.

Travelling anywhere away from home with our baby sister Amelia who is 10 weeks old is a big deal. But she was really good and she just slept most of the time in the car. As usual I sat next to her in the car and it was my job to look after her and keep her happy.

The lunch was extra delicious and I had my favourite Butter Paneer. Afterwards We went to a book shop and I love books so I got some military history books there.

After we all went back home to Kyoomba I had a birthday cake which was made to look exactly like a box of my favourite tea which is Yorkshire Tea. And you could even eat the icing which had the pictures on it. It was a really interesting cake and a good choice because I love drinking tea and trying new varieties. Dad had more meetings in Toowoomba after lunch and a meeting at a feedlot and he stayed the night in the Allora pub. So he didn’t get to see my blow out the candles and cut the cake.

I had a great birthday which is the way birthdays are really meant to be and I can’t wait to turn 12 next time. My brother William is turning 8 next month and he’s having a big party with all his friends. He probably wants a cake with motor bikes or Scooby Doo on it.