Cars damaged on Stanthorpe streets

Ash's car that was keyed.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

Despite the Apple and Grape Harvest Festival’s success, some attendee’s cars were vandalised by unknown individuals over the weekend.

Local Ash Smith said he was parked in Lock Street between 2pm and 8pm, and returned after the festival to his car scratched on the bonnet.

“The damage will cost me $1000 to fix,” Ash said.

He reported the incident to police and said he discovered that others had experienced similar vandalism at the same time.

“There was a lady I spoke to, her daughter’s car had been keyed from the bonnet to the passenger side to the boot,” he said.

“Another lady had ‘whore’ written of her bonnet.

“It’s just disgusting.”

From what Ash has heard, he said other locals have suspected the culprits were driving a white van.

Stanthorpe Police were approached for comment about the crime at Apple and Grape but were unavailable to respond.