Reading is my favourite thing to do

By Jeremy Lister

I love reading books and keeping up with the news with newspapers and journals. My favourite books are about history and politics because my favourite subject is military history. I know that this is a bit weird for an 11-year-old but it is just the way I am and also I want to be a journalist one day so it makes sense when you think about that.

At the moment the things I want to read about are stories and journal articles about the war in Ukraine and on the way China is increasing its military and what Australia is doing about those things. And because World War Two has similarities with the things happening now, it also helps me to read about what happened back then too. I said in my article the other week that I think Russian President Putin is behaving like Hitler did and it is amazing how much history gets repeated.

Many of my favourite books are pretty old second-hand books from book sales like the one that the Rotary Club in Warwick does sometimes. It doesn’t matter if they are old books because the things in them are a long time ago anyway. And each year I also go to the book sale that St Paul’s Church in Stanthorpe does.

When mum was at the Apple and Grape Harvest Festival two weeks ago she played classical music with her quartet in the church as part of the festival. And one of the ladies there called Mrs Warren said she likes my articles in Stanthorpe Today and she asked if I could let everyone know about the church book sale there at 2 Corundum Street on 8, 9 and 10 April from 10am to 4pm. So there you go Mrs Warren I did put it in my article 🙂

I’ll definitely be going along to that book sale to get as many boxes of books as I can, so we’ll have to take dad’s ute along for this trip. My pocket money probably will run out a long time before I finish but I can usually get mum and dad to give me some more for this special occasion.

The photo is of me at home in my favourite reading corner with lots of history books and journals and newspapers. Just the way I like it.