Livestock markets update

The rain kept the livestock markets other than poultry to bare minimums as flood water threatened much of the local areas.

The Cattle sale was cancelled early as the threat of road closures was deemed to be significant to both livestock and people’s safety.

The Sheep and Lamb sale was able to be conducted although with limited offerings.

The sales saw the following for the Sheep and Lamb sales.

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $215 to average $170.02 a drop of $7/head week on week

Hoggets topped at $188 to average $184 a rise of $16/head week on week

Ewes topped at $ $175 to average $86.99 a drop of $42/head week on week

Wethers topped at $180 to average $133.20 a drop of $30/head week on week

Lamb rams topped at $185 to average $133.38 par with last week’s sale

The total yarding averaged $160.23 a drop of $5/head week on week.

Pig and poultry numbers

Pig numbers climbed to 100 head with sows in short supply selling to $380/head, boars selling to $220/head, Light Pork selling to $186/head, stores selling from $42 to $174/head.

Poultry numbers were consistent with Guinea Fowl selling to $130 for a parcel of 8, Ducklings selling to $42.50 for a parcel of 12, Roosters selling to $20, Pullets selling to $37.50, Hens to $12.50, Drakes to $15.

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents again had a rain affected yarding for the weekly sale with only 664 head making it to the yards.

Some vendors were cursing trying to yard them as they had to pull vehicles from the bog.

The yarding was mainly made up of lambs on the lighter side, mainly stores and lambs showing the effects of the wet weather.

Good ewe lambs were keenly sought after as well as good processing lambs.

The smaller numbers limited the export processors participation.

Re-stockers and feed on buyers kept the market firm.

Lambs topped at $215 to average $170.02($7down), hoggets topped at $188 to average $184($16up), ewes topped at $175 to average $86.99 ($42down), wethers topped at $180 to average $133.22 ($30down), lamb rams topped at $185 to average $133.38 (Par), the total yarding of 664 head averaged $160.23 a drop of $5/ head week on week.

• Norma Chalk sold Dorper lambs 57.5kg to Take it Easy Meats for $210, ewes to restockers for $165

• Winston McNamara sold Xbred lambs 53.2kg and 49kg to Warwick Meats for $190 and $180, hoggets to

• restockers for $188

• Palmer Steel Trading sold Dorper lambs 51.29kg to restockers for $211, 45kg to Leslie Lamb for $196

• Keiran Politch sold Xbred lambs 58.75kg to Take it Easy Meats for $190

• Jim Judd sold Dorper ram lambs 40kg to Highchester Meats for $132

• Luke Cannon sold Dorper lambs 30kg to Whites Trading for $110

• Lionel & Dorothy Devine sold Dorper x lambs wethers 30kg to restockers for $118, ewes 36.4kg to

• restockers for $172

• Jim Ferguson sold Merino wethers to GR Prime for $112, Xbred ewes to GR Prime for $158,$140 and

• $73, Merino ewes to restockers for $58 and $45