Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Cattle numbers were back this week as rain, holidays and the availability of stock led to 575 head being yarded for the cattle sale.

Numbers were still good in the feed on and back to the paddock style of cattle.

The quality was the determining factor for most categories.

The full panel of buyers were in attendance as well as a line up of re-stockers.

Sheep and Lamb numbers were the opposite as 1227 head met the market with the exporters as well as re-stockers keeping the rates viable.

Pork numbers were stable as well as poultry which always provides the volume.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 594.2c/kg topping at 784.2c/kg or $1525.24 to $2132.00

Vealer heifers averaged 558.2c/kg topping at 635.2c/kg or $1506.89 to $1889.12

Feeder steers averaged 530.5c/kg topping at 628.2c/kg or $2038.77 to $2310.84

Feeder heifers averaged 451.7c/kg topping at 548.2c/kg or $1938.74 to $2360.60

Yearling steers averaged 612.4c/kg topping at 700.2c/kg or $1838.10 to $2300.00

Yearling heifers averaged 538c/kg topping at 596.2c/kg or $1954.18 to $2331.28

Steers averaged 439.6c/kg topping at 528.2c/kg or $2602.04 to $3028.23

Heifers averaged 416.8c/kg topping at 538.2c/kg or $1841.71 to $2529.54

Cows averaged 306.3c/kg topping at 370c/kg or $1609.67 to $2713.60

Bulls averaged 406.4c/kg topping at 590c/kg or $1870.41to $3184.40

The sale average was $1819.39 across the yarding.

Sheep and lamb numbers

Sheep and Lamb numbers rose to 1227 head with a good blend of processing as well as back to the paddock or feed on types available.

The buyers were reasonably consistent on previous sales with the only price differentials being for finish or female replacements for back to the paddock .

Lambs topped at $230 to average $170.52 a rise of $9/head week on week

Hoggets topped at $200 to average $144.01 a drop of $19/head week on week

Ewes topped at $177 to average $104.57 a drop of $34/head week on week

Wethers topped at $187 to average $110.52 a drop of $52/head week on week

Lamb rams topped at $189 to average $161.55 a drop of $2/head week on week

The sale averaged $142.62/head a drop of $18/head on the last week’s sale.

Pig and poultry numbers

Sows sold from $195 to $440, Boars sold from $142 to $172, Stores sold from $54 to $130.

Drakes sold to $270.50, Ducks to $22.50, Turkeys to $12.50, Peacocks sold to $30, Roosters sold to $17.50, Guinea Fowl sold to $17.50

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded 1227 head to the weekly market , the yarding was a balance of sheep and lambs of roughly 50/50, with the lamb section containing some small runs of heavy lambs and larger runs of light lambs.

The breakdown in the breeds was higher than seen for a while for presentation of British Breed lambs.

Dorpers still made up the majority and again there was a few runs of light trade and feed on lambs as well as some heavier types.

Sheep saw some decent numbers of Merinos yarded as well as a few good breeding Xbred ewes.

• Phil & Gabe Byrnes sold Dorper ewe lambs 40.5kg to restockers for $199, wether lambs 43.5kg to Highchester Meats for $183, ewes to restockers for $156

• Jon & Regina Henry sold Dorper x lambs off feed 46.25kg to Leslie Lamb for $188

• John & Marion Skinner sold Dorset lambs 60kg to Take It Easy Meats for $216, 47.5kg to GR Prime for $168, ewe hoggets 76.6kg to Grants Quality Meats for $193

• Phil & Mary Devereux sold Dorset lambs 60kg to Thomas Foods for $206, 80kg hoggets to restockers for $185

• Sally Cadalora sold Dorper x lambs 46.4kg to restockers for $171

• Malcolm & Pam Turner sold Dorset lambs 40kg to GR Prime for $140

• George & Rowena Winks sold Dorper x lambs 58.75kg to Thomas Foods for $205, 46.87kg to Leslie Lamb for $183, 40.8kg to GR Prime for $155, 43.12kg to GR Prime for $145,42.5kg to GR Prime for $130, 34.4kg to restockers for $ 160 , 51.25kg ram lambs to restockers for $186, 41.32kg to restockers for $163 and $150, and GR Prime for $150, ewe lambs 33.82 kg to restockers for $189, 30.4kg to restockers for $188, mixed sex 20.45kg to restockers for $124, hoggets 58.75kg to restockers for $180

• Rangemore Estate sold Dorper x lambs 48kg to Thomas Foods for $180, 48kg ram lambs to restockers for $171

• JCD Pastoral sold Dorper x lambs 44.4kg to GR Prime for $179.50

• Camrose P/S sold Dorper x lambs 45.5kg to GR Prime for $167, 40kg to Highchester Meats for $160, 48.5kg hoggets to Warwick Meats for $163, 56.1kg ram lambs to restockers for $189, 48.8kg ram lambs to Whites Trading for $156, 50kg hoggets to Whites Trading for $180 and $166

• Shelley F/T sold 64.5kg Dorper x lambs to Thomas Foods for $221, 60kg Dorset x lambs to Thomas Foods for $215