Letters to the editor

Thank You

Stanthorpe Little Theatre would like to thank our very supportive audiences who attended our recent production of “Our Own Guys and Dolls” as they revisited songs from the movies. A great weekend of entertainment was enjoyed by our cast, supported by you, our audiences.

Thank you to Debbie Wilmot at Gracious Giving for selling our tickets, and a big thank you to Samantha Wantling, manager of Warwick Stanthorpe Today, for helping with publicity.

That’s the glorious joy of living in a country town. We all built some more happy memories, and Little Theatre benefits to keep live theatre in our community.

I hope to present your favourite songs and the stories behind them next year – so please contact me on 46 814712, and let me know your story and we will share your song.

Judy Flitcroft, Stanthorpe

Town Gossip

The day before Easter we received a letter from Council accusing us of operating a camping and caravan park on our property. This was the second time someone had complained to council about us. We denied the charges and sent the council letter to our solicitor to investigate the vexatious complaints.

We then found out that other people on our road and in Killarney had also received a similar letter from council.

Now the hunt is on for the Dover it seems. My friend was in Killarney this week and a man she knew stopped her and said “is Justine the one who dobbed everyone in to council”. My friend explained to him that Justine got a letter as well, but this man kept insisting it was me, my friend had to say repeatedly “it was not Justine”.

We have a development application on our property with council, but we are not operating as we have not been able to finish any of the works due to the road being closed for the best part of two years. Meanwhile, some people on our road continue to operate their business allowing campers into their properties on a closed road. We have never interfered with their choice or complained to anyone about their activities. We do not allow friends or family to drive on a closed road because they are not insured, we live on the closed road and we are not insured either apparently.

The council letter was sent to people who were just having friends and family camped on their property over Easter. The letter was received the day before Easter demanding payment of $600 permit to have family and friends camp on their property! After two years of Covid restrictions on seeing family and friends, Council sends a letter the day before Easter sending people into a state of confusion and fear, about doing what they have always done, celebrate Easter with family and friends.

How to divide a community? Send letters with accusations and demands for money to some in the community, incite fear and distrust of their neighbours leading to rumours and possible retaliations. All this was done because someone complained? Well that person has complained about a lot of people. The complaint prompted a “desktop audit” – no one was approached prior to being accused, now we “will be monitored” for any illegal activity! Now we are being slandered around town, and we have done nothing wrong!

The culture in this Council and the culture in this community is sick. The people responsible need to take a long hard look at themselves. Discrimination, harassment, bullying, inciting hatred (spreading malicious rumours) and intimidation are behaviours that are punishable under the law. I have never seen so much bad behaviour in one place, and in my experience, it usually starts at the top.

Governments have been telling people for years to move to the country, support rural areas, but when you get there no one wants you. It is a terrible feeling to experience in my own country. We are reassessing everything now….like one long term resident told me “we will be here long after you have gone”, she may well be right.

Justine Hankin