From the manger’s desk

Samantha Wantling, Manager.

By Samantha Wantling

Over the years I have been very vocal about our council – its successes and its failures. But never have I been more disappointed than last week, when I learned 4 of our councillors have decided to not take part in the Stanthorpe 150th celebrations.

Now I know that people have lives, and some things are unavoidable, BUT (and this is one of those buts that cancels out anything before it) this is not one of those times.

When the public voted for you as councillors, they voted for you to represent the entire region. Not just your favourites.

A 150th birthday celebration for one of the towns in your region is a huge milestone, and I am sorry, but not one of your excuses is good enough.

Blind Freddy can see that the friction in the ‘white house’ is stronger than ever and there seems to be no way these councillors are going to iron out their differences, but to penalise a community just to satisfy your selfish pride in unacceptable.

I really thought that after the last election, councillors would realise that voters don’t forgive very easily, and I promise you this is going to be one of those occasions. To think that out of 365 days in the year, you couldn’t find 2 hours to dedicate to a script (that was written specifically for you) to celebrate our 150 years of history. Yes, I understand there was rehearsal involved, but that being said. I also understand there were ways around this (it’s not like you are putting on a performance worthy of Broadway).

When I failed to see you show your support at the Stanthorpe Apple and Grape (the largest and most financially successful event for the Southern Downs), I let it slide. When I failed to see you show your support at the Stanthorpe Show, again I let it slide. But now to see you not show your support for the 150th re-enactment – what a slap in the face for every voter who thought you worthy of their vote. If nothing else, your actions have shown me the division you are happy to perpetuate in our region.

Over the past 12 months as manager of a regional paper, I have learnt how important it is for our region to work together. Everyone knows that I was a very vocal supporter of deamalgamation, it is no secret. But once that was defeated, I knew that we had to find a way forward and that was bringing our regions together to celebrate our differences, but also our connections.

What a shame these councillors haven’t embraced the same sentiment.

FOOTNOTE: Due to public sentiment raised as a result of the article in Warwick Stanthorpe Today, Cnr McDonald has now realised the importance of this event and will be taking part. Thank you Cynthia.

*Due to a production error, the footnote was not published in our paper.