Last day to register for postal votes

Today is the last day for Covid-19 positive voters to register for postal voting.

Today is the last day for voters who have tested positive for Covid-19 since Saturday 14 May to apply for a postal vote, the AEC has stated in a release.

Electoral Commissioner Tom Rogers said that for some Covid-19 positive voters, postal voting is the only option available to them.

“Postal vote applications close at 6 pm today – it’s the last chance for people who need to cast a postal vote,” Mr Rogers said.

“Applying for a postal vote is easy, go to now.”

“If you tested positive for Covid-19 on Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday – and you haven’t already voted – then I’d urge you to apply for a postal vote now.”

“Just like any aspect of society recently, if you have Covid-19 you have to plan more carefully. An election is no different.”

Any eligible voter who tests positive for Covid-19 after 6 pm on Tuesday 17 May is eligible to access a telephone voting solution if they haven’t already voted.

“There will be a telephone voting solution available but that won’t apply for people who tested positive prior to 6 pm last night – it has limited eligibility criteria,” Mr Rogers said.

“Once postal vote applications close this evening we’ll have information available on the website for people who need to, and are eligible to, register for telephone voting.”