Maranoa candidate: Nathan McDonald

Nathan John McDonald, United Australia Party.

Nathan McDonald, United Australia Party

1. What is your stance on climate change and your policies regarding it?

I have concerns around what the major parties’ commitment to net zero emissions by 2050 means for jobs and the Australian economy. There are important questions around what net zero will cost the country, which already has a $1 trillion national debt, and what impact it will have on our world class agricultural and resource industries. The UAP believes the government should be proactive in establishing research into new nuclear technology, which does not create carbon emissions, to help solve Australia’s energy problems.

2. How do you plan on ensuring the safety of the roads in the Southern Downs?

The UAP is committed to help fund key infrastructure in our regions. If elected, we will ensure that this is prioritised so that each need, such as roads, is funded appropriately.

3. What are your policies regarding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

The UAP supports the continuation of the NDIS and believes that this program needs to be reviewed to ensure it is more efficient.

4. How will you combat the rising cost of living?

The rising cost of living is being caused by rising inflation. Reckless and wasteful government spending has created this problem and has seen our national debt balloon to around $1 trillion. To put downward pressure on inflation, we need to stop printing money and pay down our debt. The UAP has a plan to introduce a 15 per cent export license on the export of all iron ore, which will allow us to pay off our national debt in 20 years.

5. What are your policies regarding the Ag Visa?

I would support the continuation of the Ag Visa and review it in due course to ensure it is effectively serving the interests of the agricultural sector and not inadvertently causing unintended consequences elsewhere.

6. How will you and your party support our growers, given the rising costs of production?

The UAP does not have a plan to directly interfere with market forces with regards to this. However, our commitment to stop reckless and wasteful government spending and to pay down our national debt will help curb rising inflation. This will hopefully assist in keeping increases in the cost of inputs in the agricultural industry to a minimum. Obviously, there are some external forces at play that are really driving this.