Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Agents this week saw numbers move up as the cattle numbers saw 541 head make the sale on Tuesday while 1047 head of sheep and lambs met the market on Wednesday.

The poultry numbers were up with the pork side of things letting the side down.

Conditions in the paddock are starting to influence the yardings, there are not too many oats crops in and the paddocks are still a long way from being dry so there are more lighter stock being yarded due to some vendor’s inability to finish them.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 519.8c/kg to a top of 676.2c/kg or $1133.81 to $1677.90

Vealer heifers averaged 431.4c/kg to a top of 480.2c/kg or $1005.589 to $1476.62

Feeder steers averaged 507.3c/kg to a top of 596.2c/kg or $2021.43 to $2650.52

Feeder heifers averaged 413.6c/kg to a top of 540 c/kg or $1574.25 to $2322.00

Yearling steers averaged 513.8c/kg to a top of 610.2c/kg or $1486.84 to $2130.12

Yearling heifers averaged 441.7c/kg to a top of 566.2c/kg or $1384.99 to $2021.00

Steers averaged 406.3c/kg to a top of 478.2c/kg or $2450.95 to $3021.00

Heifers averaged 345.9c/kg to a top of 394.2c/kg or $1649.80 to $2651.00

Manufacturing steers averaged 321.6c/kg to a top of 350.2c/kg or $2502.26 to $3379.43

Cows averaged 281.4c/kg to a top of 346.2c/kg or $1421.25 to $2334.50

Bulls averaged 272.3c/kg to a top of 374.5c/kg or $1514.15 to $1983.03

Sheep and lamb numbers

Sheep & Lamb numbers saw many light trade and restocker options yarded with little heavy trade or export types available.

Lambs topped at $202 to average $160.29 a drop of $15/head

Hoggets topped at $170 to average $131.35 a drop of $16/head

Ewes topped at $182 to average $113.15 a rise of $15/head

Wethers topped at $150 to average $117.88 a drop of $7/head

Rams topped at $200 to average $152.09 a drop of $64/head

Lamb rams topped at $173 to average $138.33 a drop of $56/head

Ewe lambs topped at $188 to average $149.57 a drop of $61/head

Sale yarding of $1047 head was $148.43 a drop of $26/head off last sale.

Pig and poultry numbers

Pig numbers saw smaller yarding but some good quality.

Sows sold from $70 to $248, Stores sold from $62 to $196, Baconers sold to $190

Hens sold to $40, Roosters sold to $25, Ducks sold to $22.50, Drakes sold to $22.50

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded 1047 head of mixed content for the sheep and lamb sale.

The heavy end of the lambs was easier along with the trade lambs.

There was some buyer interest in the light end with restockers keen to fill paddocks.

The major exporters found it hard to fill a truck.

Lambs topped at $202 to average $160.29 ($15down), hoggets topped at $170 to average $131.35 ($16down), ewes topped at $182 to average $113.15 ($15up), wethers topped at $150 to average $117.88 ($7down), rams topped at $200 to average $152.09 ($64down), lamb rams topped at $173 to average $138.33 ($56down), ewe lambs topped at $188 to average $149.57 ($61down)

The sale yarding of $1047 head averaged $148.43 down by $26/head.

• Ross & Denise Kennedy sold Dorper x ewes to Whites Trading for $148

• Paul Mc Laughlin sold Xbred ewes for $146 to Whites Trading, lambs 20kg to restockers for $120 and $80, ewes to restockers for $120

• Aaron & Candace Learoyd sold Dorper x ewe hoggets to restockers for $160, $122 and $60, ewes in lamb to restockers for $150, $114 and $100, ewe lambs 26.6kg to restockers for $122

• Paul Stark sold Dorper x lambs 44.1kg to GR Prime for $183, 47.5kg ewe lambs to restockers for $188, ewes to restockers for $168

• Phil & Gabe Byrnes sold Dorper lambs 43.2kg to Leslie Lamb for $189

• Magnerlands P/L sold Suffolk x lambs 45.5kg to Leslie Lamb for $165

• Vermont Past Co P/L sold 1st x lambs 52.5kg to Take It Easy Meats for $160, 50.8kg , 48.5kg and 40kg to GR Prime for $167.50, $145, $114, 40kg to Glenrae Cattle Co for $135

• George Moore sold 1st x Border Leicester lambs off shears wether portion 47.25kg to Shelley F/T for $154, 39.5kg to GR Prime for $140, ewe portion 45.2kg to GR Prime for $159 , 39.25kg to Shelley F/T for $140

• Martin Roberts sold Xbred lambs 40.5kg , 37.5kg to Elliots Butchery for $165 and $140, 36.25kg hoggets to Glenrae Cattle Co for $127

• Neville Baldock sold Dorper ram lambs 42.8kg to GR Prime for $139

• Woodland Farming Co sold Dorper x lambs 58.5kg to Take It Easy Meats for $190, 46.6kg ram lambs to restockers for $157, hoggets 60kg to restockers for $170, ewes to Take It Easy Meats for $120

• John Gaiter sold Dorper ewe and lamb units to Qld Mobile for $110

• Daniella Gray sold Dorper wethers to GR Prime for $121