An abundance of community creativity

Paper Quilt submitted artwork.

Warwick Art Gallery is showcasing contemporary quilts in surprising ways for the Jumpers and Jazz in July festival this year.

Inspired by the Main Gallery exhibition Australia Wide Eight by the Ozquilt Network, the Orange Wall Gallery has been dedicated to a community participation project called a Paper Quilt.

The Paper Quilt Project is a celebration of our community and of the textile medium to which it pays homage.

The project sought to amplify the diverse voices and talents of our community by creating an opportunity for anyone to participate regardless of their age, ability or artistic skill level.

Participants were invited to design a square in response to the theme Abundance using any medium of their choosing.

The word abundance was chosen as it does not merely signify a large number of something, but rather is a word used to describe positive quantities.

It conjures up thoughts of flower-filled garden beds, piles of autumn leaves and open fields ready for harvest.

We live in a region that has suffered extremes – flood, fire, and drought. But it is also a region abundant in many things.

To see birds, trees, flowers, leaves, and colour depicted in abundance is a testament to the optimism and spirit of our community.

As one participant stated, “leaves are a reminder to me of the abundance of nature and her ability to renew… after drought, bush fire or simply after the change of season.”

The resulting installation comprises hundreds of paper squares that individually tell their own story of abundance whilst collectively telling a story of our community.

Approximately 400 templates were distributed to the community via schools and Warwick Art Gallery members.

So far around 200 have been returned and stitched together for display.

Community Engagement Officer at Warwick Art Gallery Brittany Dale said she hopes visitors to the Gallery during Jumpers and Jazz in July will be inspired to add to the Paper Quilt.

“The paper squares contributed represent the diversity and creativity of our community,” Brittany said.

“The paper quilt is a beautiful piece of art on its own, but its depiction of many different voices makes it very special.

“I hope it continues to be a positive reflection of our community as more squares are added.”

The Paper Quilt project will be on display until Saturday 20 August. Templates are available at the Gallery.

Warwick Art Gallery opens every day during the Jumpers and Jazz in July festival from 10am to 4pm.