In Brief

2023 Show Holidays

At last week’s council meeting, the Show Holiday dates for 2023 were confirmed and are as follows:

– Stanthorpe Annual Show Holiday Friday, 3 February 2023

– Allora Annual Show Holiday Friday, 10 February 2023

– Killarney Annual Show Holiday Friday, 24 February 2023

– Warwick Annual Show Holiday Friday, 24 March 2023

– Royal Queensland Show Holiday Wednesday, 10 August 2023

Council correspondence

Minister for Transport and Main Roads sent a letter advising that council’s application for funding through the Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program had been successful for the following projects:

– Park Road, Victoria Street and Churchill Drive $17,080.00

– Rosehill Road, Victoria Street to John Dee $19,180.00

Furthermore, the Minister sent a separate letter advising that council’s application for funding through the Walking Local Government Grants Program had been successful for the following:

– Warwick Town Centre $20,000.00

– Stanthorpe Town Centre $20,000.00

Foot and Mouth Disease regulation support

Cr Cynthia Mcdonald suggested that council write to the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Senator the Hon. Murray Watt, calling for more stringent border checks and restrictions to prevent Foot and Mouth Disease entering Australia, and to formally invite the Minister to visit the region.

After coming back from Bali, Cr McDonald noticed that a lot of Australians threw away their information paper about the disease straight away.

“In order to protect our agriculture industry and certainly within this region and Australia itself, I’d like to pass a motion from SDRC to request that more strigent regulations are imposed on those returning from Indonesia and Bali who are at the moment very adversely affected from Foot and Mouth Disease,” she said.

“It is certainly contagious, can be carried on your boots.”

The item was moved by Cr McDonald and seconded Cr Ross Bartley.

Permanent road closure, Off Frees Road, Goomburra

Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) advised the Department of Resources that it does not object to the application for permanent road closure of the road reserve adjoining Lot 305 on G5171 and Lot 7 on SP322837.