An update from Days for Girls – Allora and District

Days for Girls Allora and district’s last gathering on 24 June saw the ladies undertaking a variety of tasks to get the components required for a possible trip to Griffith Uni for a packing day as part of the uni’s volunteer program.

By Days for Girls Allora and District

Days for Girls Allora and district’s last gathering on 24 June saw the ladies undertaking a variety of tasks to get the components required for a possible trip to Griffith Uni for a packing day as part of the uni’s volunteer program.

On 20 July, two of the Allora and district DfG group gave a presentation to the Rose City chapter of the Probus group. Approximately 30+ Probus members attended. Heather Goonan from DfG gave a brief history of DfG internationally and in Australia and how long Allora and district group had been going and explained what is done each month. It was an attentive audience and there were completed kits for audience members to look through. Members of the audience then asked a series of questions.

Also in June, executive members of the Allora and district DfG group did a trip to Tradways in Staplyton to replenish much-needed supplies of flannelette, thread and cotton materials.

The group also supplied some kits to the local ‘Share the Dignity’ group as part of an ongoing program to assist any women and girls in need, no matter where.

Allora and district DfG group would like to thank those people who have personally and/or anonymously donated monetary funds to the group. It has been a problematic year with many functions being cancelled so all support is most welcome.

Winners of the Adventure board raffle were Dennis winning the Warwick Gliding Club, air experience flight voucher and Alison C winning the Downs Explorer Railway trip and meal voucher. Thank you to all people who brought tickets in the raffle and a big thank you to the Warwick Gliding Club and Downs Explorer Railway.

As always the group is requesting donations of: new ladies knickers, small hotel style soaps, new face washers, new 100% cotton (non-stretch) material or monetary donations so please think of us, if you are doing a cupboard cleanout. Items can be dropped into Allora True Value Hardware store or Bryson’s Florist Warwick marked as Days for Girls. If dropping items in can you please text, phone or email contacts below so that we know to pick things up as not all executive members live in town. Monetary donations over $2 are tax deductible and can be transferred to: Allora Days for Girls, BSB 064032 Acc: 10127292. Items can also be dropped off at gathering times.

The next gathering is scheduled for Friday 29 July at 9 am at at the Function Room, MacKillop House, Warwick St., Allora, next to St Patrick’s Church, entry via McKillop Lane. All are welcome, sewers and non-sewers. For those who had previously attended, it would be great to see you back. Please bring a small plate for morning tea, coffee and tea provided. We hope to see you then. If you happen to have a skill at fundraising, we would love your assistance or ideas.

Thank you – Allora and district Days for Girls Executive team – Heather Goonan Mobile-0434907904, Lenore Wissemann Mobile 0428973432, Shirley Cornhill and Kaylene Williams or email: