Darling Downs Health survey extended

Darling Downs Health’s Local Area Health Needs Assessment (LANA) survey has been extended until 4 August, giving even more residents to have their say on the future of health care.

This survey is aimed at gaining a better understanding of the health care needs of communities and prioritising and addressing any urgent gaps.

Clinical Redesign and Innovation Manager Wendy Pannach said the survey was aimed at building a complete picture of the health service region.

“We are asking people to spend just five minutes completing this survey to have their say on the future of health care in their region,” Ms Pannach said.

“We want to hear from patients, clients, and consumers of all health care services.

“We also want to hear from groups and organisations that are impacted by the work we do at Darling Downs Health. That might include not-for-profit groups, other health care providers like GPs or aged care providers, and local councils.”

The survey is open until Thursday 4 August.

For more information about Darling Downs Health’s Local Area Health Needs Assessment (LANA) visit www.darlingdowns.health.qld.gov.au/about-us/our-projects/local-area-health-needs-assessment

To complete the survey, click here.

Survey extended: five minutes of your time + this survey = the future of health care | Darling Downs Health