Locals deliver quilts to flood affected children

The Quart Pot Quilters made a trip to Alstonville last month, delivering quilts to flood victims in the Lismore area.

By Dominique Tassell

The Quart Pot Quilters made a trip to Alstonville last month, delivering quilts to flood victims in the Lismore area.

The group delivered 33 quilts and other items, adding to the 52 the group gave earlier this year.

Shirley Armstrong said about women embarked on the trip, attending a two-day craft fair in Alstonville.

Four of the women were ex-members of Quota Alstonville, which organised the fair.

Shirley herself is originally from Alstonville and moved to Stanthorpe nine years ago.

She said Quota Alstonville’s fair netted $30k in two days.

“They do a brilliant job,” she said.

While part of that was a grant for $8000, Shirley said most of it was simply hard work.

Shirley said the majority of the quilts have so far gone to preschools, which are currently housed in the local university after the flood.

She said the quilts came together through a group effort, including help from Stanthorpe Lions Club.

They provided the wadding that went into the quilts, while members who couldn’t contribute with their textile talents instead donated money which then went towards purchasing backing for the quilts.

“The response has been absolutely amazing,” Shirley said.

She said the people of Alstonville and surrounds are definitely still struggling after the floods, with many shops still not open months later.

Shirley said that on the day of the fair, it was raining but people “kept coming through the gate”.

She said she hoped the quilts they gave will let people know that other people care about them.

Shirley said there are no plans finalised for another trip, but they’re “just quietly going to go on with it”.

She said a group meets at the Summit Hall every first and third Tuesday of the month to work and still has backing and wadding for quilts.

Quart Pot Quilters always welcome new members and visitors to their regular gatherings each Wednesday at the Baptist Church Hall on the corner of Hillcrest and Railway Streets in Stanthorpe from 9 am. They are a very diverse group that practices all forms of stitchcraft.