Levi fundraising to beat blood cancer

Stanthorpe boy Levi Fittock has raised over $3000 participating in the World’s Greatest Shave Fundraiser.

By Dominique Tassell

Stanthorpe boy Levi Fittock has raised over $3000 participating in the World’s Greatest Shave Fundraiser, with the proceeds going towards beating blood cancer.

12-year-old Levi found out about the World’s Greatest Shave through the Stanthorpe State High notices and immediately knew he wanted to get involved.

His mum Kristy said she asked Levi if he was sure, given he’d be shaving his head in the middle of winter.

Levi said people with cancer don’t have hair for years.

Kristy said after setting up his fundraising page, they had a few hundred in donations in the first few hours.

As well as the donation page, Levi and his mum have been selling slices on Facebook to raise money.

Kristy said the first night they posted about selling slices, they sold within minutes and she was up all night baking more.

Over the past five weeks, Kristy has baked over 100 slices.

Around $1800 of their funds have been raised through this, with a whopping $3405 raised at the time of print.

When he first started fundraising, they set their goal at $500 but increased their goal once they had met that.

“It just increased and increased,” Kristy said.

Levi said “it’s really good” that so many people in the community have gotten behind him.

He said it was surreal to check his phone and see people he didn’t know donating through his fundraising page.

Kristy said that’s the good thing about a small town, where everyone will support each other.

She said many locals will know someone who has been affected by cancer and will want to support a great cause.

“It all adds up,” she said. “Even just five dollars.”

Levi’s donation campaign will finish up this Friday when he shaves his head, along with four other girls at school who are cutting off their ponytails.

You can donate at: secure.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=867467&langPref=en-CA