Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week.

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

The weather again impacted on volume for the weekly livestock sales, fall of up to two inches meant many producers and transport operators had difficulty accessing stock and yards.

Cattle numbers were down to just under 400 with the sheep and lamb numbers rising to 1724 mainly with the numbers drawn from further districts which were not as affected as local producers.

The exporters and local processors kept the markets on a par with all looking to fill orders.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 534.2c/kg topping at 600c/kg or $1173.17 to $1639.55

Vealer heifers averaged 472c/kg topping at 638.2c/kg or $1130.33 to $1887.50

Feeder steers averaged 473.2c/kg topping at 590.2c/kg or $1980.65 to $2200.00

Feeder heifers averaged 449.5c/kg topping at 470c/kg or $1865.48 to $2084.81

Yearling steers averaged 547.6c/kg topping at 632.2c/kg or $1698.15 to $2175.01

Yearling heifers averaged 487.3c/kg topping at 520.2c/kg or $1613.45 to $2080.17

Steers averaged 408.4c/kg topping at 498.2c/kg or $1894.39 to $2621.97

Heifers averaged 380c/kg topping at 438.2c/kg or $1912.09 to $2881.44

Manufacturing steers averaged 354.6c/kg topping at 410c/kg or $1972.51 to $2275.50

Cows averaged 349.7c/kg topping at 404.2c/kg or $1999.42 to $2998.74

Bulls averaged335.6c/kg topping at 427.2c/kg or $2241.24 to $3575.99

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $198 to average $145.65 up $11/head

Hoggets topped at $201 to average $149.92 up $38/head

Ewes topped at $164 to average $96.04 down $18/head

Wethers topped at $145 to average $126.88 up $56/head

Rams topped at $172 to average $132 up $17/head

Lamb rams topped at $170 to average $86.60 down $51/head

Ewe lamb topped at $198 to average $178.84

The yarding of 1724 head averaged $141.27 a rise of $12/head

Pig and poultry numbers

Sows sold from $150 to $315, Boars sold from $155 to $260, L/Pork sold from $105 to $147, Stores from $89 to $165, Groups of goslings sold to $62.50, groups of chicks to $40, ducklings to $45, hens to $4, roosters to $20, Ducks to $17.50, Turkeys to $30

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded 1724 head for the weekly sale with some good runs of lambs from the South West as well as local and Eastern vendors making the run to the sale.

The export lambs were keenly fought for as well as the breeding lambs and the light trade lambs.

Mutton was a bit firmer, and the ram market was firm for the finished article or breeder.

Lambs topped at $198 to average $145.65($11 up), hoggets topped at $201 to average $149.42($38 up), ewes topped at $164 to average $96.04($18 down), wethers topped at $145 ($56 up), rams topped at $172 to average $132 ($17 up), lamb rams topped at $170 to average $86.60 ($51 down), ewe lambs topped at $198 to average $178.84.

The yarding averaged $141.27 across the board, up by $12/head average compared to last sale.

• Giltrow Family sold Dorper ewe lambs 66.25kg to Thomas Foods for $197, 57.85kg to Eversons for $183, 60.3kg to Thomas Foods for $183, 53.09kg to restockers for $185, 63.3kg wether lambs to Thomas Foods for $186, 56.4kg to Eversons for $176, 51.25kg to Take It Easy Meats for $184, 63.5kg hoggets to Eversons for $150, ewe hoggets to Lackland P/L for $201

• George Moore sold 51.9kg Merino lambs to Gr Prime for $150, 45.5kg to Gr Prime for $137, 55kg hoggets to Eversons for $133

• Barry Hunter sold full wool Xb wethers to Eversons for $145, rams to Whites Trading for $128

• Wayne & Jodie Frank sold Dorper x lambs 53kg to Jock Young for $182

• Melrose Station sold Dorper x lambs 37.14kg to Luck Meats for $149

• Rory & Kathy Frost sold Dorper lambs 44kg to Jock Young for $179

• Daryl Martin sold Dorper lambs 37.5kg to GR Prime for $130, ewe lambs 38.1kg to Gr Prime for $126, 67.5kg hoggets and 4tooth ewes to Eversons for $164

• Rangemore Estate sold Dorper x lambs 47.5kg to Uniplaza Meats for $151, hoggets 52.5kg to Uniplaza Meats for $169

• Larry & Shirley Hill sold Dorper lambs 47.5kg to Jock Young for $160, 40.25kg to Jock Young for $142, 33.3kg to Mark Palmer for $100

• Parsons Family sold Merino wethers 1/4 wool to Eversons for $125

• Coolmunda P/S sold cfa Merino ewes to GR Prime for $70

• David Turvey sold 65.2kg White Suffolk ewe lambs to restockers for $198

• Banaba Past Co sold Xbred lambs off crop 63kg to Thomas Foods for $190, 58.7kg to Warwick Meats for $183, 57kg to Eversons for $180, 52kg to Warwick Meats for $170