Help to Home already assisting households

Queensland rental property owners are being reminded to apply for a ground-breaking initiative to help increase the supply of homes available to Queenslanders in need.

Housing Minister Leeanne Enoch said expressions of interest for Help to Home were open until October 31, 2022, and her department had already fast-tracked approvals to get people into homes sooner.

The Minister said the Help to Home initiative is a great opportunity for Queensland property owners to help provide a home for Queenslanders in need.

Since being announced in late July, 31 expressions of interest have been received and 19 properties have already been allocated to households.

“We have invested $126,000 in headleases so far, which has seen individuals and households from the social housing register allocated to homes in Keperra and Beenleigh,” the Minister said.

“There are immense housing pressures right across the country and strong interstate migration has added extra pressure in Queensland.

“That’s why we are holding a roundtable tomorrow and a summit later in the year to see what all levels of government alongside industry and sector can do to better address this issue together.

“Head leasing under Help to Home is aimed at increasing social housing supply with an allocation of $40 million to headlease up to 1000 private market properties over the next two years.

“The 2-year headleasing arrangement provides certainty for property owners, with a guaranteed income for two years, paid three months in advance, and then every quarter subject to the terms of the lease.

“I’m pleased that we’ve already been able to use these initial Help to Home properties to get people into safe and secure accommodation.

“I know the Department is working quickly to assess other expressions of interests and get more people into more homes sooner.”

The Minister said the Palaszczuk Government had continued to act on the urgent issue including rolling out 7,400 social and affordable homes by 30 June 2025 under the Queensland Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2021-2025.

We are delivering on our $2.9 billion investment under the Action Plan – the largest concentrated investment in social and affordable housing in Queensland’s history,” she said.

“However, there is more to do and more that can be done if all levels of government and relevant stakeholders work together – that’s why we’re holding a roundtable and a summit to help forge new solutions.”