Editor’s desk

It’s been a big week, to the point that last week feels like a million years ago.

But maybe that’s what happens when news as big as a change in the monarchy breaks.

No matter your thoughts on the monarchy, I think we can all agree it’s huge news.

I’ve really enjoyed talking to locals this week about their memories of the Queen. Knowing that she didn’t visit the Southern Downs, I expected that not many locals would have memories of her. But then, lo and behold, I was texted a picture of our beloved Apple and Grape arches welcoming her to Stanthorpe. History is funny that way.

It’s been full-on in the Warwick Today & Stanthorpe Today office this week, with two new faces joining us.

We have a brand new journalist, Melissa, who you can read about if you scoot your eyes over just a touch.

Sophie Hart, a student from Assumption College in Warwick, is also joining us this week for work experience and proving an absolute delight.

All those hands on deck means we have a massive edition for you this week, jam-packed with local news.

Covering the local Council, local crime, all the happenings at local clubs, and of course local memories of the Queen and her legacy, this paper has everything you could want.

With this bigger edition, we’ve had the opportunity to finally get everything that’s happening in the region into the paper. On Council weeks, that means a full spread of everything that you need to know.

This week, we have a full page of coverage of what happened in court last week, which you can find on page 40.

If there’s something else you think we could be including in the paper please let us know, because we’re all about keeping you informed on the things in our community you find important.

-Mini Tassell