Q&A with Jeremy Greening

The Greening family (left to right – Anita, Melody, Timothy and Jeremy) hosting the wedding of some seasonal workers in their church.

This week’s Q&A is with Stanthorpe identity Jeremy Greening. Jeremy Greening is the local pastor of Vineyard Christian Church in Stanthorpe and also chairs our local Granite Belt chaplaincy committee. Along with his wife Anita and children Melody and Timothy, they have lived in our region for almost 10 years and love serving the Granite Belt community. Thank you for your time and insight, Jeremy!

Q. If you could spend 24 hours anywhere, any year, where would you choose?

A quiet tropical island somewhere. We’ve been in Stanthorpe nearly 10 years but we moved from the Sunshine Coast so I do like a seaside getaway…. Ahhh the serenity!

Q. What’s something people may not know about you?

I used to have a job that required me to sing into a sauce bottle while singing Frank Sinatra’s ‘My Kind of Town’… true story!

Q. How do you relax after a long day?

I enjoy quality time with family… my job often has me putting others ahead of my own family so we make the most of ‘us’ time. I also enjoy playing video games with my nine year old son but I definitely don’t enjoy him beating me (happens more often than not these days)

Q. What are you most grateful for?

That we live in a country that still allows freedom of religion and expression of our faith. For me, as a church Pastor, its believing in Jesus Christ. For others it may be something else. What I love is that we can actually co-exist with mutual respect, one for the other.

Q. What would your last meal on earth be?

It has to be a burger with the lot right?

Q. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

People would presume that a Pastor would drink copious amounts of coffee but not this Pastor… tea for me.

Q. What are you currently reading and what’s the best book you’ve read?

I keep my bible close of course and enjoy reading it because it teaches me something different every time I pick it up. I am also reading ‘Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table’ by Louie Giglio

Q. What is your favourite spot in our region?

We love bush walks at Girraween National Park and you can’t beat a gathering at Storm King Dam, speed boat, water activities, BBQ…

Q. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

My dad always taught me there are no silly questions… only silly answers.

Q. Which six guests, dead or alive, would be invited to your ultimate dinner party?

Jesus (predictable pastor response right?)

Anita (my wife… predictable husband response right?)

And both sets of parents… My mother is still alive but to get to have dinner with my wife’s parents and my Father who are all passed would be an absolute treat!

Q. What is your favourite movie?

Heaven Is For Real… believers and non-believers alike would be touched by watching this beautiful movie.